Home > Talking Turkey

Talking Turkey

May 19th, 2010 at 01:47 am

There’s little fowl about turkey. At least in my book. We had turkey for supper tonight. I had put it in the Crockpot with some rosemary, a green onion, some spices, and water. It cooked all day on low and was sufficiently yummy! I took it out 45 minutes before I wanted to serve it, let it rest for about 20, sliced it, and then put it back in the broth in the Crockpot until I needed to plate it up. My husband and our dinner guest really ate it up. Sorry, I couldn’t resist that line!

We had mashed potatoes made with a little cream cheese and milk, fresh green beans I had snapped and cooked over the weekend, along with some radishes from the garden. Our dinner guest brought a yummy strawberry pie he had purchased. It was delicious, but we decided there’s an art to getting a slice of pie out without it falling apart. It tasted scrumptious even in pieces.

It was a pleasant evening…no harm or no fowl!

1 Responses to “Talking Turkey”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I really like turkey. Would like to have one that has not been salt injected. I can't remember how they taste not injected; it has been so long.

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