Home > So Very Tired

So Very Tired

March 17th, 2012 at 01:59 pm

I haven't blogged this week due to being very tired. We started state testing last week and I spent three days of this week doing make up tests. It seems that at one of my schools, we had something that went around because there were many, many students who missed two or more of the tests.

In Illinois, it behooves a school to get all these tests made up. So, Monday I spent the day between two schools, and Tuesday and Wednesday I was at just one school because of so many make ups. One student had 8 tests to do, and of course, one cannot do all those in a day. He came Wednesday and we got a few of them completed, but the principal was going to have to finish on Thursday and Friday.

I was allowed to attend the Illinois Reading Conference in Springfield Thursday and Friday. It reaffirmed my love affair with reading and writing.

Many of the sessions are on Common Core Standards since Illinois has adopted them and they take effect 2014.

I attended sessions on writing and the Common Core and ideas on how to make writing more interesting.

Jack Gantos is an author who shared his outline on writing picture books. His first step was to have kids read lots of picture books to see how they are created and then come up with a character, setting, problem, resolution, and emotion. If you are familiar with Rotten Ralph, he's the author.

I look forward to sharing these ideas and hopefully getting students a little more interested in writing.

I can say I was very tired when we got home last night. I was glad to be able to relax. And I'm glad I get to write about my experiences.

5 Responses to “So Very Tired”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Thanks for all your hard work as a teacher!!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    My daughter had standardized testing this week, too. She said 1/3 of the sophomores were out with stomach virus so there will be a lot of making testing this coming week. There is something really nasty going around. DS missed three days of school because of it, but fortunately DD never caught it.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I hope you get some much needed rest soon!

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    We had the ITBS testing the past two weeks ... with the requisite students being out sick, or out for whatever other reason. I could definitely tell the kids were more stressed than usual this week when they were in the library. I let the 7th and 8th graders do something I hadn't all year -- they had about 15 minutes of free time (within limits) on the computers. They seemed to really appreciate having the time.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Thanks for the kind notes!

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