Home > Hum along with me...Rainy Days and Sundays...

Hum along with me...Rainy Days and Sundays...

February 10th, 2013 at 08:36 pm

It's rainy and windy and just a great day to stay inside. I, of course, took liberties with the Carpenters' song and changed it to Sunday because that is what today is...Sunday. A few folks have complained about the rain, but not me. We need that precious precipitation. After being in a drought last summer and fall, rain is glorious and wonderful and if I have a choice, far better than snow and ice.

After church we came home to fix brunch and then I did some cleaning. I paid a couple of bills and I'm getting ready to finish up the straightening and organizing in the kitchen.

Before church I put a small chicken in the Crockpot to cook with some vegetables and herbs. When it finished, I used the meat to make a large casserole of chicken and dressing (at least two meals there this week) and froze the remaining broth. Last night's meal of pot roast will make up quite a few meals this week for lunches and then beef and noodles for a supper.

DH is hoping the rain replenishes the ground so when he plants his vegetables and herbs, they will take off and look great and also the moist soil will help the farmers.

I mopped the floors and put some rugs in the washer. Anyone know if there is anyway to repair or replace the rubber backing on rugs? The rugs still look great, but the backing is starting to wear away.

So, I'll be humming along and changing the song!

3 Responses to “Hum along with me...Rainy Days and Sundays...”

  1. snafu Says:

    We use cut to measure underpad for bathroom floor mats. It's very inexpensive at discount stores. You could try spray adhesive and the foam type shelf liner

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Thanks, snafu!

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Sounds like a nice productive day. I enjoyed a cloud free day here on the coast...didnt miss the Oregon fog and rain at all. Big Grin

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