Home > Cold Feet

Cold Feet

February 5th, 2014 at 07:28 pm

Yep, I have 'em! Baby, it is cold outside and supposed to get colder.

Today is snow day 5 for us. All area schools cancelled school because of the snow. Once it started yesterday afternoon, it came down hard and fast.

I decided that instead of working myself into a frenzy, I would just enjoy the day. So, I got up and exercised and then showered, then enjoyed coffee and some reruns on television. Lunch was a leisurely find what is in the fridge and have a buffet, and I had already put stuff in the Crockpot for beef and barley soup. I had arranged for the guy to plow our driveway and he showed up on schedule and did a wonderful job. He even plowed part of our street so we could get out if need be!

As for spending, I'm not doing any. I'm catching up on reading and emails and just enjoying the day.

As for my feet, I'm going to find my slippers!

2 Responses to “Cold Feet”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I'm jealous! I'll probably work from home tomorrow if the temperature goes below zero again.

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    Sounds nice and cozy!
    I like a little fuzzy blanket to cover up with. Smile

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