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Ice ice -- not nice!

March 3rd, 2015 at 09:25 pm

We had freezing rain and ice this morning. Area schools were closed. DH nicely turned on the television so we could check about my school district.

Nope...nothing there. So, I rush to get ready and leave. I slide down our driveway. Our street is like a skating rink.

The main road was better, but the parking lot at school was treacherous. I got in and was greeted by the custodian asking why I was there.

Seems school was closed a few minutes after I left home. So, I checked with the principal, and another teacher came in too. We discussed a couple of things and I decided to go home. He offered to walk me to my car and I thanked him because I was afraid I would pull him down if I fell. He did stay at the door and make sure I got to my vehicle without mishap which I thought was very nice. I came home and had to park in the street because our driveway was still very slick.

Right now Facebook is lit up with folks complaining about the late notice.

I am glad the people in charge decided to close school. I know it inconvenienced people for the late notice, but the forecasters had originally said it would be slick, but the temps would rise and by mid morning it would be melting. Well, by 7, it didn't look like it would be melting anytime soon. I worried about the kids having to be out in it and the people driving. We have many staff who live many miles from our district.

Last week a teacher in our district was killed on her way to work -- her car had stalled and someone fell asleep at the wheel and hit her car. It certainly gave me a different much better to call school, even late, and to keep people safe?

Although I dread having to make up this day at the end of the school year, I spent the day working around the house. I used orange oil on our kitchen cabinets (they are wood) which cleans and moisturizes them. I have mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned a bathroom, and worked on laundry. For lunch I used leftover mashed potatoes to make potato patties and fried eggs and served with bacon and toast -- hubby was very pleased. Supper tonight will be chicken stir fry.

Fortunately it has gotten a little warmer and things are melting. After a big snow this weekend and ice, I'm ready for winter to subside. Of course, I'm sure New England would have more to complain about.

6 Responses to “Ice ice -- not nice!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Our school cancelled for ice too. I think it was the best decision...roads will be good tomorrow!

  2. nhgirl1970 Says:

    I think the kids are going to school here in NH right through the end of June now. So far, six delays and five days closed completely. Some districts lost a few additional days to clean the snow off the roofs.

    I am sorry you had to drive all the way in to school. My husband was in the same predicament two weeks ago. They literally called a two hour delay five minutes after he left. He stayed and took a nap.

  3. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Very productive way to spend the day!

  4. PatientSaver Says:

    I woke up to about an inch of a slush mix on my driveway which had to be shoveled off since temperatures were dropping again tonight. It was very heavy since it was so watery. Then I had to tackle the pile at the bottom my driveway, and after that, clear the way so the mailman would leave my mail. Exhausting. Tonight and tomorrow, another 2 to 4 inches. Man!

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That is sad about your co-worker. I'm glad you made it back home safely.

  6. DecisiveParadox Says:

    You cant believe everything you read and hear in the news these days.
    A true sceptic will verify the school is in fact closed.
    Its good to see the news is being kept honest.
    Keep up the good work ;P

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