Home > Pickles, Tomatoes, Beans, and the Pantry

Pickles, Tomatoes, Beans, and the Pantry

August 7th, 2016 at 06:35 pm

On an earlier blog, I mentioned DH's cucumber seemed to have a blight. Fortunately only one of the two plants did, and we have been getting some cucumbers. I made pickles yesterday and they are canned and in the pantry. Some we will use and some I will give away at Christmas.

Right now, our tomatoes are going very well. DH has a very small garden area, but what he does have, we are making the best use of it. We had a bunch of cherry tomatoes and when given the choice for eating, DH likes regular tomatoes sliced. So, I juiced the cherry tomatoes and canned that.

Unfortunately we don't have room for growing green beans, but someone we know does. We are going to go and buy some today. I've been buying them all along and canning them so we will have them. This may be the last go around however because the extreme heat earlier made the beans stop, then we had better weather, and it's been hot here, cooled down a couple of days, and it is supposed to heat up again.

I don't know if we truly "save" money by buying the beans, but I know I like knowing where they came from and since I don't can them with salt, I figure it is a health benefit. I have a pie safe that I am using for a pantry and it is full with beans, pickles, tomatoes, onions, and jelly. I will have to find further storage as I continue to can, but what a good problem to have!

4 Responses to “Pickles, Tomatoes, Beans, and the Pantry”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    I would love to see a picture of your canning pantry. I just picked up a few tomatoes from my ultra small garden and I was so happy.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    I'll try to post one, NJDebbie!

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    What a sturdy looking cabinet! You just need more of those. Smile The tomatoes are especially gorgeous. I have to carve out more storage, too. Right now we have jars of peaches in dish pans on the basement floor; jams, more peaches, and green beans in the living room; dilly beans, sauerkraut, and pickled purslane on the sewing machine table; pickled peppers on the basement sink. Crazy!

  4. NJDebbie Says:

    OMG, what a beauty!!!! Thanks for sharing.

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