This was a busy fall weekend around our place. We did grocery shopping and some cleaning. I did get a chance to can some tomatoes. I do not have nearly as many as some of you who have posted, but DH has a small garden.
I made pork stew out of some of our peppers, carrots, and tomatoes and leftover pork. I added some zucchini and mushrooms and it was quite good. We had it for supper on a fall like evening and even had enough for a couple of lunches.
We went to an estate sale over the weekend. The person who runs it has in his ads it is a prepriced tag sale and on Saturday the prices are 100%. On Sunday morning until noon the prices are 25% off and from 1-5 on Sunday, they are 50% off. We've been to a few of these and this has always been the case. Saturday we attended and found a small piece of furniture we thought we'd like, but not at 100%.
So yesterday we left early so we were first in line and we were delighted to see the piece still there...EXCEPT the guy who runs these sales wife informed us that there had been an offer of 30% off and if we wanted to place a higher bid, we might be considered. And she hinted instead of individual pieces, we should bid on the whole set. I told her this was not what the policy had been and on Saturday the pieces were individually priced and why now a bid and plus having to buy a whole set.
I don't need a whole bedroom set. I only wanted one piece at 50% off which was more fair than the other price. This was, after all, a used set, not something purchased from a retail store. When I asked the guy who runs things, he explained they had received a bid before noon and if we wanted to leave a bid we could. I pointed out this was a change in his policy and never before was this every brought up. I even went home and checked his website and the site said all items would be sold and nothing about leaving bids or having a bidding war.
To say we are disappointed in this person's character is an understatement. He had nothing posted that he was changing how the sale would be. There was nothing about holds or bidding. It isn't an auction. I emailed him yesterday afternoon and calmly explained again that I thought he needed to post when he changes things. DH and I did not get angry or make a scene at the sale nor did I get nasty in the email. I do think it was kind of dirty what he did, but I'm certainly not going to get into a fight over a piece of furniture. It would have been nice to have owned it, because I would have sold a piece I already have. But I'm not going to act undignified because someone else didn't follow his own rules. I look at it I saved money by not buying it.
We've had a lot of rain this weekend and today was soggy as well. Wish we could share some of our precipitation with the drought stricken states out west. With the rain I imagine our tomatoes will slow down even more. DH did pick some carrots. It's funny...he had better luck planting the carrots in large pots than the ones he planted in the ground.
It was a nice weekend and it certainly flew by.
Weekend (Mind)Wanderings
September 16th, 2014 at 12:28 am
September 16th, 2014 at 02:40 am 1410831633