October 29th, 2020 at 08:22 pm
I notice that many of our blogs are food oriented lately. Maybe it is the cooler weather or perhaps we are all foodies at heart.
I was going through the freezer and noticed I still had some slices of ham there. I pulled them out to defrost and decided to use them for two different meals. One is for tonight -- quiche. It's dark and damp here today and nothing makes me happier than to have a hot meal from the oven when the weather is like this. Thursdays are usually egg night at our house anyway. I went out and pulled some green onions and chopped them as well as some Sage and Oregano. I added bell pepper and some chopped mushrooms and will add cheese to the eggs when I whip them with Half and Half. DH likes this type of quiche and it should be nutritious and filling.
The rest of the ham is being cooked with beans for ... ta da...ham and beans. OK, not original, but something good. I had some chicken broth in the fridge and thought, I better use it. A number of years ago we went to an Amish fundraiser and the Amish lady made ham and beans and besides chopped onion, she chopped celery. We had never had it with celery and I've made it that way ever since. I figure another vegetable won't hurt. I plan to make skillet cornbread the day we have the ham and beans. A cheap, economical meal and using up something from the freezer.
I notice I have quite a selection of soups in the freezer so we will be partaking of those in the next few days as well. It sure will help save on the grocery bill and using up some of the stuff will also help with the packed freezer.
Are you having trick or treating on Halloween? So far we are allowed to have it as long as we do not hand out candy up close. Our plan is to put a bowl on a box in the driveway and put candy in it and sit back aways so we can greet the kids and see their costumes. Hopefully no one will empty the bowl for just themselves. If they do, they do.
Well, nice we can again blog. I feel like I missed out on your lives.
I don't know if it is food, but I'm getting ready to fix a cup of tea. Reusing a tea bag of course. Frugal is as frugal does! 
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
Saving Money
October 26th, 2020 at 03:29 pm
Years ago AT&T had a slogan, "Reach out and touch somebody." Of course the company wanted you to call and keep them in business.
However, I think we need to stop and take this slogan to heart. As we still struggle with the Pandemic, there are an awfully lot of lonely people out there. For example, a lady at church asked about our looming group. She wanted to know if she had to come and make hats. I said no, come and visit with us. We sit over 6 feet apart and wear masks and have windows open. She got teary eyed and said she has been so lonesome and would like to come and talk with others.
Another lady who had been with our group recently died. The sad fact was she took the sheltering at home to the point she didn't get her prescriptions refilled and therefore did not take her heart medicine for months. She was found dead at her kitchen table. I regret that I didn't message more; we weren't real close, but still, I feel maybe I could have offered to go pick up meds for her.
I don't think it just has to be phone calls (sorry AT&T), but emails, letters, cards, messages, texts, or even a "Hi, ya" from a distance. Most of us are social beings and we need that interaction.
So, as nice as you are all, hope you spread a little sunshine to those around you.
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Ramblings and nonsensical chatter
October 11th, 2020 at 06:23 pm
I have always loved to sing. When I was in eighth grade, I was asked to join the church's adult choir. I was beside myself with joy. Usually that was only for people starting high school and beyond. I didn't realize it then, but I learned some valuable life lessons.
1. The choir is made up of different talents and personalities. Hopefully they all add something to the music.
2. There is one goal -- to make beautiful music.
3. Teamwork is important. There's at time and place for soloists, but the ultimate goal is to blend together.
4. You cannot judge someone by how they look. It is their voice that counts.
5. Not everyone likes the same music.
6. Not all music is appropriate for everything.
7. Some songs are far easier than others.
8. Some are more gifted than others -- I was always envious of those who had perfect pitch.
9. Some of the best musicians don't read music.
10. Don't forget to have a great time!
So, what does this have to do with finances?
Well, in money matters, some people are risk takers while others are not. Some just can make money easily, and others have to struggle. Good choirs have wonderful conductors and for most of us, those with good financial efforts have had someone conducting us along the way, giving us the hints we need. Just like not all music is appropriate, not all investments are appropriate. And there are swindlers out there, sad to say. Church choir really did give me some great examples for life, even finance. I was not the soloist, but I enjoyed the team work. I liked learning new songs and different pieces. I just loved to sing.
Past tense. Asthma has stolen my breath in order to be able to truly sing, but it has taught me other things. I need to enjoy life as it comes, even in those bad times. When a hard piece would be introduced, it would have been easy to give up, but there's just something glorious about learning and mastering a new piece. Same with life and even finance. OK, that fund is hard or boy, putting money aside is difficult, but what a sense of accomplishment when something is mastered.
Hopefully I will continue to learn and use these life lessons. One thing I will admit that is even if cannot be in the church choir anymore, I can still enjoy music. So maybe that is the best lesson of all.
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Personal Finance,
Ramblings and nonsensical chatter