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I've got the lunch packing blues!

October 17th, 2010 at 11:31 pm

It's Sunday and I've been in the kitchen most of the afternoon fixing stuff for the coming week. I also pack my lunch for the next day because it means I don't have to get up that much earlier in the morning. Plus, I hate worrying that I might forget.

I have read many posts and blogs about folks saying they save money taking their lunches. It was always a given with me because I don't have time to go out and I don't want to get up an earlier than I have to to stop someplace and pick something up.

Are you creative with your lunches? Often I take leftovers and that's pretty good. But there are times when I don't have leftovers. For awhile, I was eating turkey and to be quite honest, I was getting a bit tired of it. I guess that sounds whiny. Sorry!

A friend of mine was talking about her tuna salad and I'm thinking I need to try it. She puts sliced boiled eggs (3 eggs, but only uses one yolk), and relish in it. That sounds pretty good.

I had some potatoes that were starting to get a bit soft and since I had fixed a chicken in the Crockpot, I had chicken broth left over. I normally freeze it so I have it on hand, but I figured it's mine and I can use it. So, I made potato soup this afternoon and put it in a microwavable mug with a lid for lunch tomorrow. It's supposed to be rainy so that sounds pretty good. DH bought a bag of apples on sale and we usually have grapes so I cleaned them and packaged the grapes in a plastic container and washed the apple and have it ready for my lunch. With a Thermos of water, it should be a decent lunch.

So, do you have the lunch packing blues?

4 Responses to “I've got the lunch packing blues!”

  1. PatientSaver Says:

    I always pack a lunch but having to think about what to make each night before work is a chore, so lately i've been stocking up on Lean Cuisines when they go on sale for $2 each. I have an insulated lunch tote and i throw one of frozen dinners in with a frozen gel pak, fresh fruit and a snapple and i'm god to go.

    but when i bring my own, it's usually a ham, cheese and lettuce sandwich, egg salad sandwich or leftover soup or stew from my Sunday cooking.

  2. PatientSaver Says:

    I always pack a lunch but having to think about what to make each night before work is a chore, so lately i've been stocking up on Lean Cuisines when they go on sale for $2 each. I have an insulated lunch tote and i throw one of frozen dinners in with a frozen gel pak, fresh fruit and a snapple and i'm good to go.

    but when i bring my own, it's usually a ham, cheese and lettuce sandwich, egg salad sandwich or leftover soup or stew from my Sunday cooking.

  3. baselle Says:

    I've been doing the bento box type lunch. I take one of those small square Ziploc box (2 cup?), layer the bottom with cooked brown rice, then add sliced turkey or ham or tofu or a compatible-with-rice leftover like stew or spaghetti sauce, then since rice and protein sometimes is dull I'll add a pickle or kimchi or sauce or condiment-y thing for sparkle.

    Works well because the portions are kept appropriate, I mix it up but I don't have to think too hard, I clean out the refeer, and those boxes stack well so I'll make up 2-3 at a shot and only have to lug the lunches 2x/week rather than every day. We have clean work refeers on each floor with very defined rules so I'm confident I'm not adding to a health hazard.

  4. end520 Says:

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