Home > Almost too hot to cook!

Almost too hot to cook!

July 12th, 2011 at 01:01 am

Here in the Midwest with high dew points and even higher temps, it was miserable today. Just going outside to pick a few leaves of lettuce resulted in a warm sticky feeling and I was only outside a few minutes.

My goal today was to fix something for supper that didn't heat up the kitchen -- or me for that matter!

Fortunately my husband is starting to get cherry tomatoes so that added to the lettuce and a couple of other items already in the fridge made a good salad.

I fixed pork chops on the top of the stove and saute'd mushrooms with them, and then boiled two ears of corn. I made biscuits in the toaster oven. I made a fruit salad with strawberries, blueberries, grapes, bananas and added Greek yogurt and honey -- what a cool dessert.

The other day the owner of a restaurant we go to was telling me that no one can eat at home for less than $10 each. I just smiled because he's the type of guy who thinks he's never wrong...many of our meals are less than $10 total for the two of us! So, I figured eating at home also saved money.

I'm sure glad we ate at's too hot to go anywhere, that's for sure!

8 Responses to “Almost too hot to cook!”

  1. baselle Says:

    Per meal or per day? Per meal its pretty easy to stay under 10$. $10/day is a bit harder.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    On the $10 thing - seriously??? I could probably feed my whole family a well rounded meal for $5. Big Grin

  3. marvholly Says:

    It hit 91 in metro Chicago on Mon. NO WAY was I going to cook. Had tuna (no egg)/veg salad and fruit for lunch. Took a piece of COOKED chicken out of the freezer, added a spinach/tomatoe salad and nuked some cauliflower.

    Today 'could' be a cooking day but I will be out a good part of it so some stuffed shells are defrosting and I'll have some sooked chicken drumsticks for lunch because I will be HUNGRY by the time I do get home. Fruits, veg & salad gets added to meals to achieve balance and fill me up.

    Unbelieveable. $10 pp for a single HOME cooked meal. That is about what I spend total on 5-7 dinners/week. Add another $5-10 for ALL my breakfasts and lunches.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Yep, he said no one could eat for less than $10 a meal at home. Of course he might be delusional because he is, after all, in the restaurant business and wants people to eat at his place. Very rarely does it cost that much for us unless we splurge and get steaks.

    Hope metro Chicago is cooler...we are in Central Illinois and it is supposed to be another hot one today.

  5. patientsaver Says:

    It is extremely hot and humid today (and yesterday) here in the northeast. It will break later tonight, though and then we'll have a long stretch of great weather.

    I picked some lettuce from the garden for lunch today and yeah, everything is bolting and wilted and no way would i heat up the kitchen.

  6. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    I can eat at home here for less than $4 per day that including T-Bone steak at times.

  7. Miz Pat Says:

    When I was first married, I purchased $80 worth of various grains and flours and canned foods and then two people (my ex and I) lived on $10 a week for food for the next 3 years.

    I baked healthy bread, made soy nuts, cooked whole grains and got healthier. Very little meat though.

  8. rob62521 Says:

    I think we are all a bit more frugal with our meal budgets than my restaurant friend! Thanks for sharing!

    It was hot again last night and I cooked things on top of the stove, but we had a lot of "cool" things too -- lettuce and tomatoes from the garden with a little bleu cheese, cottage cheese, and fruit salad. I don't think the whole meal cost $10 for the two of us.

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