Home > Finding a new use...

Finding a new use...

May 26th, 2012 at 12:34 am

Something I have been reading up on is saving money reusing things. I wondered about those plastic tags that come on bread wrappers and produce bags. I ran across this site:

I wonder if they really hold th socks together. It is worth a try, anyway.

I also noticed using one of the bags that produce come in to make a scrubber by putting a sponge inside.

We hit Aldi today and bought lemons and I have both a plastic tag and bag.

I just hate throwing stuff away that can be used from something.

1 Responses to “Finding a new use...”

  1. patientsaver Says:

    I feel exactly the same way. I hate throwing things out without finding some purpose for them. One thing I started doing not so long ago is saving empty plastic bread bags or plastic cereal bags, mainly. I use them to dump the icky stuff from the kitchen sink drain into or leftovers after a meal, particularly something like meat bones. I used to just dump it all in the garbage can, but various liquids would somehow leak through the garbage bag. I still use a small covered canister that sits in the kitchen for my vegetable waste/compost.

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