Home > "Our friend, Lester Holt..."

"Our friend, Lester Holt..."

November 12th, 2012 at 12:33 am

First, let me say we don't really know Lester Holt.

However, we see him on the NBC news. And it appears this man works seven days a week and does many broadcasts as well as Dateline.

I looked his bio up and it states he's married and has children. I'm not sure when he's with his family because he is often traveling for his broadcasts.

So, I was tickled the other night when DH said, "Hey, it's almost time for our friend, Lester Holt."

Wonder if Lester would be pleased!

1 Responses to “"Our friend, Lester Holt..."”

  1. laura Says:

    Your post made me smile today. My grandmother and I were admirers of Lester Holt way back when he did the 4:30 news in the late 1980s. My grandma thought he was cute! He hasn't really changed much, just saw him on a Dateline.

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