I picked up a book at the library the other day in the new arrivals section titled, "Brandwashed." I am about half way finished and although we probably think we know how brands determine our shopping, it is frightening to think how we often let them tell us what to buy.
The author says research shows that many companies are trying to get brand loyalty from the womb because change it hard once it becomes a habit. No kidding!
The author worked in advertising and mentioned how certain things in advertising make us crave things.
It is informative and I'd say worth checkiing out.
With that in mind, just coming off of a wonderful Thanksgiving, we were watching the nightly news and how folks started lining up at Best Buy Wednesday night to get in "first" at Midnight this morning. I guess I can't understand the desire for a television to give up a holiday with family. Maybe if it was for a kidney or something...
November 23rd, 2012 at 02:16 pm