Home > Lambs Don't Wallow

Lambs Don't Wallow

June 20th, 2016 at 12:00 am

We attended church today and part of the message was a parable in which a lamb is talking to his father saying how jealous he was of the pigs wallowing in the cool mud on such a hot day.

Papa Sheep told the lamb not to think about getting in the mud because "lambs don't wallow."

Of course the lamb waited until papa was out of sight and jumped in the pig pen and oozed into that cool mud...but the mud not only stuck to his legs, but to his coat as well and he became stuck. He cried for help and the farmer came and rescued him and cleaned him before putting him back in the fold. The father told the lamb the reason you don't get in the mud is we aren't like pigs, we get stuck in the mud so we don't wallow like them.

The message was basically this: we need to listen to our dad's advice.

A pretty cute parable for Father's Day, don't you think?

So, what advice did your dad give you that has served you well? One thing my dad always encouraged me to do was if anyone ever offered to teach me something, let them because you never know when it will come in handy.

How true that was. Long story short, I worked for a small newspaper in the late 70s. One of the typesetters called in sick so the other one after press time asked me if I wanted to learn to typeset. I said yes, and she did. That little education helped me pay for my college because it was a skill that I could use to make money.

2 Responses to “Lambs Don't Wallow ”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Hmmm. My dad didn't give much advice, but when he taught me to drive, he told me to never worry about what the guy behind me was thinking -- even if he expressed his impatience with a honk -- because it was my right to take my time and be safe. That really stuck with me!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    You did learn something, CB!

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