Home > Food and Friends

Food and Friends

May 18th, 2010 at 01:08 am

It seems that so many celebrations center around food…birthday cakes…retirement dinners, graduation parties…the list is endless. Some folks give exquisite dinner parties with the fashionable settings and even more fashionable food. I’m not doing that – most of my stuff is pretty down home basic, but I feel anyone who comes to my home for a meal is fed, just not in a fancy way.

We met some friends to celebrate her birthday tonight. We had a decent meal at a local restaurant. It wasn’t really the food we went for, but the company and the observation of another year passing. It was a good time and a nice way to catch up on our lives.

Tomorrow night we invited a friend to sup with us. He’s the perfect guest – he compliments anything we serve, offers to bring something, and always makes the effort to try things. He is a witty conversationalist and we look forward to having him. He doesn’t mind the house isn’t totally picked up and tidy – he’s just happy to be invited and is good company.

Fortunately not all friendship depends on food, but it sure is a nice benefit, isn’t it?

2 Responses to “Food and Friends”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    i have a best friend with ocd who won't eat anything she doesn't make herself, doesn't come straight from a packet from a shop or made in a restaurant. it's something i never thought about before, but it actually takes a bit of stress off my mind because i never have to think about food or drink with her Big Grin

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    I love entertaining with food. We're good cooks but not like Top Chef-level artists, but we're blessed with friends who are willing to try anything (even our crazy vegan offerings) and always generous with the compliments.

    LOL whitestripe, I know OCD isn't a logical disorder, but if she only thought twice about restaurant food...not exactly laboratory conditions, eh?

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