I was at a meeting yesterday and one of the gals said that a mutual friend had told her about me. I looked at her and she said that this friend had told her that I make out a grocery list and then spend some time during the weekend cooking stuff for the week. I wasn't sure if she thought this was a positive or negative thing. My perception was it was I was crazy, but that's a whole different story.
I do fix things on weekends and store in the fridge during the school year for a variety of reasons. Most nights I come in the door and have very little time to fix stuff from scratch. Although I know there are things out there you can heat and eat, I am trying to eat stuff that doesn't have a lot of salt or preservatives in them. And, they are pricey.
Plus, the temptation to go out is there when I come home tired. So, if I have something already ready to heat up, chances are I can reason it out that I need to use it for two reasons -- if it's basically fixed and just needs to be heated, it won't take long and by the time I clean up and go out, it would take longer to eat (not to mention the expense), plus that would mean I would waste what I had already fixed. It basically boils down to money.
I can afford to go out and we do eat out, just not every night.
I always feel a twinge of regret on Friday night when the fridge looks bare since we've used the casseroles, stews, etc. that I fixed for the week and the pantry has empty spots. There's a security when my fridge is full of meals ready to eat (sorry, armed forces, I borrowed your phrase).
So, after this discussion and getting a few odd looks from the people at the meeting, I now query, am I anal because I take the time to cook stuff and control what goes into it and have meals ready to eat?
Or am I just cheap?
Am I Anal?
October 2nd, 2010 at 08:14 pm
October 2nd, 2010 at 08:22 pm 1286050967
October 2nd, 2010 at 09:04 pm 1286053444
October 2nd, 2010 at 11:46 pm 1286063211
October 3rd, 2010 at 01:02 am 1286067744
my sister is 15 - so hopefully when she moves out and has a job and bills to pay, she'll realise you can't eat out every night, and you don't have the time to shop every night for what you want to have for dinner, and then she might think of me as being kind of smart. maybe! fingers crossed! lol.
October 3rd, 2010 at 03:44 am 1286077491
October 3rd, 2010 at 07:29 am 1286090961
Done for pretty much the same reasons as I HATE to cook every night, HATE to have to do a major kitchen clean up everyday, want to eat reasonably healthy and NEED to live within my means.
Also, I know that Friday feeling and frequently do bring in/eat out that night. It is planned and budgeted for.
October 3rd, 2010 at 01:02 pm 1286110932
October 3rd, 2010 at 03:05 pm 1286118346
Just wondering on any word if/when the cookbook you mentioned several months ago was going to be available?
October 3rd, 2010 at 07:18 pm 1286133510
Everyone else -- thanks for the validation! It's nice to know I am in very good company!
October 3rd, 2010 at 08:00 pm 1286136024
That would be great! I'd like to keep Christmas gifts simple and am thinking about utilitarian gifts (and consumables) and that would be good for my mom! Do you see my email when you get comment notification?
October 3rd, 2010 at 09:29 pm 1286141375
There's nothing wrong with you, Frugal Foodie. You are the one who has it all right. I see people who are incapable of regularly cooking all their own food as incompetent, maybe even infantile.
October 3rd, 2010 at 11:34 pm 1286148874
Momcents, I don't see your email. When I get the info, I'll comment on your blog and give you mine, OK?
October 4th, 2010 at 12:16 am 1286151369
October 4th, 2010 at 03:37 pm 1286206652
October 4th, 2010 at 11:16 pm 1286234177
October 5th, 2010 at 02:58 am 1286247498
I think we need to re-define our terms. We should call ourselves ... hobbyists. We should think of ourselves as competitive grocery shoppers and great cooks. And if a dish is great, its usually at least good the 2nd day.
October 6th, 2010 at 12:13 am 1286324017
October 14th, 2010 at 03:00 am 1287025214
Just 2 weeks ago I asked the nanny not to cook anymore... I was just throwing it all away, as no one would eat what she was cooking, and I had to cook dinner anyway... I´m glad to say now all I find are empty dishes!
October 14th, 2010 at 11:45 pm 1287099947
October 15th, 2010 at 02:47 pm 1287154048
October 17th, 2010 at 12:54 am 1287276859