The state of Illinois in a lame duck session, voted a new income tax in and yesterday's paycheck was the first time they took the additional tax.
It was sizeable. Like over $50. My last paycheck had me paying $12 more in federal tax. No, I didn't get a raise. I'm not really sure why I am paying more in federal tax and everyone I talked to said their pay was different too.
I get the purpose of taxes and normally I don't complain. But, what worries me is if the state doesn't handle the new tax any better than they handled what they previously had, will I be forking over even more in a few years?
Come on government have to do better! Fortunately I can handle less pay even if I don't like it, but I know there are people out there who can't. For some, that might be the money they are putting back to save and now it's gone. I'm beginning to think the government isn't helping people save money for themselves. What do you think?
A new tax! Grrrr
January 29th, 2011 at 03:17 pm
January 29th, 2011 at 03:35 pm 1296315321
Your federal withholding went up because the Making Work Pay Credit expired at the end of 2010. Remember when you saw a boost in your take home pay last year? That is now gone.
I couldn't agree more that government is wasteful. It is extremely wasteful, on purpose. Every department spends their entire budget ON PURPOSE to avoid/reduce future cuts. It doesn't matter if it was spent well or wasted, just so it was spent.
January 29th, 2011 at 04:24 pm 1296318240
January 30th, 2011 at 08:12 pm 1296418350