Home > C is for Cheese

C is for Cheese

March 18th, 2011 at 12:25 am

Cheese. It can be smooth and creamy or tart or spicy with a different texture.

Growing up, I don’t remember many different types of cheeses. Velveeta was used for sandwiches and we all laughed about Swiss having holes, but we didn’t buy much of it. The stuff in the can was good for picnics because it was portable and you didn’t have to keep it cool. But that was the extent of it.

Now, I’m in cheese heaven with Feta, Swiss, Bleu, Colby, and Goat cheese to name a few. It’s interesting how I can make the same recipe and by changing the type of cheese I incorporate, it changes the flavor.

I always thought Parmesan was the stuff in the refrigerator section that came in the green package that you shook out – how amazing you can shred your own. And then I learned that marinara sauce has Parmesan in it….life is good.

Cheese is great for a snack, a treat, and even for a meal. Seeing a deli tray with different cheeses is like having a buffet! And imagine having some grapes and some cheese. Wow, that’s almost better than dessert!

I know there are cheeses out there I haven’t tried, but I’m ready…I have some crackers just waiting!

3 Responses to “C is for Cheese”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    If you can get ahold of it, you should try St. Andre's. I don't generally like brie, but this one is fantastic.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Foodie? You grew up eating Velveeta on a sandwich?! I'd have never guessed! My earliest memory is sitting in a yellow metal high chair eating sliced beets and cheese. Gotta have good cheese!

  3. Looking Forward Says:

    I LOVE cheese too!
    I as a little girl I used to (and still do, actually) eat spoonfuls of grated parm. Hehe..

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