Home > L is for Leftovers

L is for Leftovers

April 15th, 2011 at 12:17 am

I think we should find another name for "Leftovers" because I think it the term, not the stuff, that turns folks off.

My husband wouldn't think of eating a "leftover" (I don't ask why he feels that way), but if I ask him if he's like to have me make a "TV Dinner" out of it for him to heat up for lunch, he's all for it.

My lunches this week have basically been leftovers from this and that. I had tuna from some tuna salad I made a couple of days ago. Before that I had those leftover kabobs from our meal on Saturday night. I will take little bits of this and that and make a soup or stew. I've brought home vegetables I couldn't eat and put them with leftover vegetables here at home and made a lovely vegetable broth.

If you ever read books about folks growing up with little, it is amazing what they did with leftovers. If you like an inspiring little tome, try "A Nickel's Worth of Skim Milk" where the author talks about growing up in a single parent household years ago. Cooking in that household was creative because it had to be!

There are some things that are just better "left over". I think a lot of stews are tastier the second day than they were the first.

So, do you use your leftovers?

5 Responses to “L is for Leftovers”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I do, though I usually make them into something else. Roast chicken leftovers become enchiladas and soup. Leftover potroast and potatoes becomes roast beef hash. That way it doesn't feel like we're eating the same thing over and over again. I'll even make "planned overs" in some cases, just for the ease of having extra to make something else with.

  2. snafu Says:

    I banned the word 'left over' from my vocabulary. Plan overs are wonderful meals whose base was prepared and enjoyed in a simpler form. Teenage sons are incredible eating machines except when they view repetitive meals. Spanish rice, paella or pilaf are a delicious base for chunks of chicken. There are about 70 different shapes/sizes of pasta at our large grocery chain which are fast and easy to prepare. Cheap white or red home made sauce + a portion of protein from earlier in the week is wolfed down. A lot of those sauces have cooked vegetables incorporated as a thickener but since they buzzed in the blender, no one knows how heart healthy they really are. We love Mexican foods and my bank account is thankful. If your family will eat ethnic foods, Japanese tempura or California/Nori/Sushi rolls and Kimbop are totally re-purposed. Chinese dumplings and stir fry are yummy and even teens enjoy the challenge of making them.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    My hubby takes leftovers for lunch every day. It saves us a ton of money!!

  4. retire@50 Says:

    Call them delayed seconds Smile

  5. debtfreeme Says:

    I always cook more than I can eat. I make lunches for several days out of them. It is so much cheaper to get bulk food and cook it into several dinners and lunches. It is such a way to save money for me. I just have to make sure to eat them all or try and freeze them. So far the freezing thing is not working out but most times I eat it up in the meals I planned for.

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