Home > In the Kitchen...

In the Kitchen...

July 30th, 2011 at 03:26 pm

We are delighted that we are getting tomatoes from dh's garden. I had requested he plant more than one cherry tomato plant because I wanted to make tomato sauce...I made 3 batches last summer from one plant, and I was thinking I could more if we had two...

Anyway, I made my first batch and it looks yummy! I'm looking forward to serving it this week over some pasta. My husband's big tomatoes are starting to come on and we are getting enough for eating for meals which is wonderful.

We had chicken wings that I baked the other night. We didn't eat them all, so I put them and some celery that was getting a little bedraggled and a bell pepper from dh's garden, and an onion from dh's garden and some of our herbs and made some rich chicken broth. I took it out to the freezer so we have a supply of that. I love having my own -- no preservatives and I control the salt.

With the tomato sauce and the chicken stock, I think I better get busy making some pasta!

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