Home > Sears update

Sears update

August 20th, 2011 at 10:33 pm

My previous blog discussed the fact that I bought the dishwasher from Sears, and the installer dropped the ball. I filled out a survey, then emailed the company. I was given a response of I needed to contact our local store which I did. Two days later, they never called me back (think that might be on purpose?) Anyway, I decided to call the 800 number on the Sears website and I spoke to about 4 different people.

At this point, I'm still not thrilled with Sears. One person thought I was a little unreasonable wanting a gift card for my trouble. I told her if she ever wanted me to shop at Sears, I better get something for the stress and inconvenience. I explained that when the company hires folks who are disrespectful of my time, it makes one think one should go elsewhere. I never once raised my voice or cussed at them or threatened them. The last two ladies apologized for my trouble, and one claimed she would be sending me a $25 gift card in the next 7-10 work days. I'm not holding my breath. Before this she wanted to know why I didn't call my local Sears store back. I explained that I didn't feel I should have to call a second time since I apparently had been "blown off" the first time.

The next night there's a phone call from Sears -- an automated survey on the sale, installation, etc. Let's see, I've filled out a survey on-line, then wrote an email, then called the local store, then called the 800 number and now they want another survey. I hadn't changed my mind. This afternoon there was a phone call wanting to sell me an extended warranty for the dishwasher.

So, I would say Sears needs to work on communication first and foremost since no one else seems to know what anyone is doing at their business.

2 Responses to “Sears update”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I worked for a marketing company that took service calls for Sears. All we did was collect information and informed callers that the appropriate department would call within a certain time period. We received so much feedback from people who did not receive a call. I have zero faith in Sears for anything other than a direct purchase at their stores...and even then I'm not a fan.

    Fingers crossed on the gift card, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    The only thing I like about Sears is their car batteries.

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