Home > Sunny Saturday

Sunny Saturday

October 8th, 2011 at 09:23 pm

What a week! But, it is Saturday. The sun is shining and fortunately for most of us in Central Illinois, we don't have to turn on the heat...yet. We are supposed to be in the 70s during the day and 50s at night.

I worked up the grocery lists. I do the Aldi one Thursday night and my husband goes on Friday during the day. I have a menu planned for the following week and whatever we can't get at Aldi, we then go to the other grocery store and buy. I always hope to find more coupons for things, but then I realize there are few coupons for the items we buy. It is frustrating, but it is true. I'm not going to buy things just because I have a coupon; a lot of the things with coupons aren't items we normally use.

A week or so ago there was a segment on the news about the health benefits of watercress. None of our stores had it, but we did go to a local Kroger store that is pretty large and they said they would order some. They did, we bought it, and I have been looking for recipes on how to use it. It supposedly has many health benefits. I put some in the Italian wedding soup I made instead of spinach. I've been putting it in salads as well.

It was nice sleeping in a bit this morning. My dh is out watering because our city is on water restrictions and residents can only water Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We still have a small garden growing so he's hoping to keep things thriving until the first frost.

Hope your Saturday is a good one!

1 Responses to “Sunny Saturday ”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Did it warm up this week? We are anticipating colder weather next week, no hard freeze yet though.

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