Home > Frost on the pumpkin...

Frost on the pumpkin...

November 9th, 2011 at 12:42 am

OK, the title is misleading, we don't have any pumpkins...but here in Central Illinois, I think we will get a frost tomorrow night. We've come close a few times in the past two weeks, but with the rain we've had and the sudden temperature drop, I think our garden will succumb!

Last week on Halloween we were chuckling that usually by this time dh has removed the garden because it has frosted...I said wouldn't it be something if we still had tomatoes and bell peppers on Thanksgiving. Looks like we are coming close. We aren't getting a bumper crop of anything, but we are continuing to use what we get. I will miss the herbs too. We have them in large pots on the sidewalk and we don't have any place to store them during the winter. I have frozen some of them, but although they are OK that way, they aren't the same as fresh ones.

Well, I guess if there's frost on the pumpkins or tomatoes or herbs, I will be grateful I have a warm house to be in!

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