My spam folder said it had 5 emails. After last Saturday's money saving offers, I thought I'd peruse it and see what other goodies I can turn down.
The first one is for an electronic cigarette...and I'm so special I'm one of the few who had it offered to me. Well, since I don't smoke, guess I don't need an electronic cigarette to stave off my cravings for nicotene. Saved a chunk of money there, I bet.
The second is about my order was received. What order? I haven't ordered anything. It has a link with a p.o. number. Well, sorry, I didn't bite on this one. I'm not sure what they think I ordered, but I'm not going to click to find out either. I saved money by not ordering in the first place.
Two others have something to do with cars, with one being a humongous sales. Maybe they figure I'll need a bigger car after buying the Viagra or something. Nah, I just hit delete on those. I'm not in the market for a new car so I think my cost savings just went up on that too.
One doesn't have a subject or even a sender. Guess a ghost sent it. Well, it is probably written in invisible font and I'm not opening it up to see what was might be too scary!
With my email addy, it isn't easy to tell what gender I am, so I guess the spammers are just trying to see if they can hook me with something. They don't call it it phishing for nothing!
More Spam Chuckles
December 7th, 2011 at 12:19 am
December 7th, 2011 at 06:21 pm 1323282101
December 8th, 2011 at 12:52 am 1323305538