Home > Found a penny!

Found a penny!

December 30th, 2011 at 08:35 pm

We were out and about doing some grocery shopping. We were at the meat market and my dh looked down and there was a penny. Of course I picked it up and put it in the furnace fund. I'm not too proud.

We also hit Aldi and found lots of good things for meals for the coming week. I was excited to find blackberries for 99 cents for the package. That's a treat. Although I like to save money, I also splurge on fresh fruits, even some out of season.

Last week a friend was talking about her baking. She said she had been using margarine in her cookies and said she thinks they have changed the formula and wanted to know what I used. She was shocked when she heard me say I use butter. I told her I get a pound of it for under $2 at Aldi here in town and I can choose between salted and unsalted and I'd rather have butter than margarine.

She sort of turned up her nose at first. She said she never thought of Aldi and why would I want to shop there. I said to save money, of course.

Granted, we could afford to buy our groceries at one of the other chains, and we still fill in at the other stores, but if I can get fruits, dairy, and vegetables more reasonable and it's not out of our way, why wouldn't I? After all, it gives us extra money to either save or spend.

Guess some folks still feel the need to pay full price for everything and then mew about it.

11 Responses to “Found a penny!”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    And Aldi has improved so much! Many more choices in produce and frozen food than there used to be!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Gosh, I always go to the store that's the cheapest.

  3. EarlyRetirementJoy Says:

    I read somewhere that if you calculate the time it takes to pick up a penny off the ground over 60 minutes, it adds up to a fairly decent amount, so well worth your time!

    2 seconds to pick up and pocket a penny is 30 pick ups, or 30 cents a minute, times 60 minutes = $18 an hour.

  4. baselle Says:

    I'm not proud and always observant. If I see a good price on a real food item and it looks to be of reasonable quality, I'd buy it from anywhere. Smile Congrats on the penny!

  5. patientsaver Says:

    aldi's opened its first store in our area. I went there once and while i did buy a few things, it seemed like they had lot of packaged stuff, not too healthy. It was a small store, too. Maybe worth another look?

  6. Amber Says:

    An Aldi store just recently opened in south Florida, I'm definitely going to check it out. Thanks

  7. My English Castle Says:

    I think I read margarine has indeed changed formulations. More water? Maybe it's living in the dairy state, but there's nothing like butter.

  8. rob62521 Says:

    Jerry, years ago my mom said when margarine came out, you had to put some coloring in it to make it yellow and sit there and squeeze it in a bag. All the stuff I've read, margarine just plain scares me. And I agree with you, My English castle...nothing beats the taste of real butter!

  9. EarlyRetirementJoy Says:

    I don't believe you can get crispy cookies with margarine - only butter gives them that nice finish.

  10. rob62521 Says:

    I agree with you, earlyretirementjoy!

  11. Amber Says:

    @ Jerry I took a nutrition class a few semesters ago and yes butter is better for you in moderation

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