Home > School has begun and so has my meal planning

School has begun and so has my meal planning

August 19th, 2012 at 05:26 pm

Life suddenly went into overdrive...I started back to school last week. I don't know if it was stress or the fact I no longer controlled my time, but by Friday I was so exhausted I could barely think straight.

Fortunately the weather cooled off a bit and the buildings were decent temperature wise. But, it is supposed to start warming up as the week goes along.

I have 5 meals planned for the week and most of them will give leftovers for lunches. We had meatloaf last night and there is enough for lunch for both of us one day. We are having sloppy chicks (joes made with ground chicken) for supper tonight so that will give leftovers as well. I cooked a whole chicken in the slower cooker Friday night and made three casseroles and a stew for some week day suppers.

I need to start the grocery list for the end of the week Aldi trip. I've already used a few things that I need to replenish.

2 Responses to “School has begun and so has my meal planning”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    I still have a little over two weeks to begin the new school year! Have a good and productive year.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    You too, NJDebbie!

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