Home > Take out Thursday

Take out Thursday

July 19th, 2013 at 09:21 pm

Last night was Take Out Thursday. It was take leftovers out of the fridge type of supper. We had two kinds of meat: pork tenderloin roast and chicken breast, mashed potatoes and chicken gravy, zucchini casserole, and leftover homemade bread. I added some sliced cherry tomatoes from DH's garden and some cottage cheese. As hot as it is here, the last thing I wanted to do is heat up the kitchen and eating these leftovers is good for our budget as well as not wasting food.

5 Responses to “Take out Thursday”

  1. North Texas Mommy Says:

    Yum! That sounded scrumptous! I try to use our leftovers as well. In fact we had a fend for yourself night at our house last night that included leftover pasta. Great way to stretch the grocery budget.

  2. scfr Says:

    Sounds delicious, and a great idea too!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Hey, we could do that on Friday and call it Fend For Yourself Friday if we have leftovers for that. Wonder what we could call other days of the week of we have enough dinner leftovers?

  4. snafu Says:

    Cute idea, Take out Thursday. We often do Friday 'Buffet' salad bowls lined up on the counter and filled with whatever was left over in the fridge. We use flat bread or tortillas, pizza sauce and whatever cheese is at hand for home made, choose your topping pizza-like baked in the toaster oven. The 2nd option is something resembling tuna melt. The cold option is salad with croutons and any of the leftovers you choose. I try to have a favorite dessert available Fridays to eliminate grousing.

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    Too Much Left Tuesday, More Than Enough Monday, Shovel Out the Fridge Saturday...

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