Home > Take Out Thursday

Take Out Thursday

October 4th, 2013 at 01:01 am

Today was "Take Out Thursday" at our house.

I'm not talking about buying take out by any means, but taking stuff out of the fridge and using it.

Supper tonight was a pork stew. The pork was leftover from last night. I had roasted some yellow squash with onions a few days ago, and I took some leftover fresh vegetables (carrot, onion, mushrooms, celery, and zucchini) out of the fridge, saute'd them, and used the chicken broth I had made earlier in the week from leftover chicken parts. As it simmered last night, I also added a pint of my homemade tomato sauce I had made earlier in the week as well. DH said it was very good and bet I could sell it if need be. I don't know about that. To go with the stew we had crackers taken out of the pantry and sliced tomatoes taken out of garden and we finished up the fruit salad taken out of the fridge. There was even enough to DH to have a hearty lunch tomorrow. Not bad with bits of this and some leftovers.

I did try a new recipe this week for chicken casserole. It was pretty easy and DH liked it.

Chicken casserole

1 cup of cooked chicken, cut up
2 eggs
2 cups of dressing (or stuffing)
1 tablespoon of fresh sage
1/2 cup of milk or half and half
3/4 cup sour cream
2 teaspoons of butter

Whip eggs, milk, and sour cream together. Put dressing in a greased baking dish. Add chicken and mix with the egg mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes (covered). Take out of oven and put butter on top. Serve. It was pretty tasty and I think there could have been different things added to it to give it different flavors. It was easy and quick. I actually used raw chicken and baked for an hour and it was great.

2 Responses to “Take Out Thursday”

  1. snafu Says:

    Wonderfully creative! Friday's are nutty here since everyone comes home at different times and wants to shower, change, eat and rush out again. We do Friday night buffet, the leftovers are arranged on the counter and everyone helps themselves to heat n' eat. In the summer I make fresh salad as base, as it gets colder freshly baked potato or home made/fresh bake shop rolls is typically a base.

    This fall I plan to experiment with various chowders or ethnic stews. Your chicken casserole rads yummy but how can I do it to fit low fat/low calorie parameters.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    I am not sure how you could do low fat unless you did used low fat sour cream or yogurt and maybe just 3 egg whites instead of two eggs and maybe skim milk.

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