Home > Saturday Supper

Saturday Supper

February 9th, 2014 at 03:32 am

Supper today was using up leftovers...I made a stir fry with leftover pork roast and used leftover broth to cook rice. It was a filling meal and I baked biscuits and used up some vegetables we had in the fridge. Some friends of ours are eating out at least once a day a often complain about how much it costs...I think our total meal including ice tea was way less than $10 and I had enough leftover for a lunch.

I did buy myself a piece of jewelry today. We were perusing a thrift store and I saw a set or blue beads that with tax came to a total of 64 cents. I often wear blue sweaters so I thought this would be a nice change.

Earlier this week one if my coworkers commented she was jealous of my leftover laden lunches and joked she wants to move in with us.

2 Responses to “Saturday Supper”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    We had pork stir fry last night too. We used up the leftover stir fry veg that we had. I always like reading your posts, your meals sound lovely and give me inspiration.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Thanks, Scottish Girl!

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