Home > Using up bits and pieces

Using up bits and pieces

June 6th, 2014 at 04:09 am

It is Thursday which means I use up what we have before getting ready to grocery shop. Supper was bits and pieces. I had some dry pasta in the pantry. I had leftover sausage and tomato sauce in the fridge as well as different types of cheese. So, I put the pasta in boiling water and crumbled up the sausage and added it to the tomato sauce. I did have to add some tomato sauce to the mixture that wasn't leftovers. I mixed this together with the drained pasta and put cheese on top. I baked it for 35minutes at 350. After taking from the oven, I put chopped parsley and cilantro on top.

I picked lettuce and radishes and with a tomato I had on hand I made a salad.

Not a bad supper and easy on the pocket book!

1 Responses to “Using up bits and pieces ”

  1. Carol Says:

    Looks delicious!

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