Home > Cold, Damp, Dreary but Keeping Busy

Cold, Damp, Dreary but Keeping Busy

January 8th, 2015 at 08:19 pm

It's another cold, damp, dreary day here in Central Illinois. My school district had planned for this third week off from school because they were to move schools, but unfortunately the building wasn't completed. I kind of groused about the third week, but with the extra cold temps, this might have been a good thing. Many of the local schools have called for emergency days because of the extreme cold.

I have read two more books: Dave Ramsey's "The Legacy Journey" and "Secrets of the Southern Belle" by Phaedra Parks. The Southern Belle one although nonfiction was entertaining. Most of it is manners and common sense. She talked about being polite, being modest, being friendly, and being responsible. Responsibility included not going into major debt, planning for things, including a wedding and not going all out for a wedding if you couldn't afford it. I know one thing she wrote about was sending cards and letters and how nice they are. I know so many people prefer email and texting, but there is something special about receiving a handwritten letter and a personalized card.

I did venture out to the library yesterday to return books and check out some new ones after getting my haircut. I didn't really want to go out, but I had made the appointment and I didn't want to cancel the same day of the appointment knowing that the stylist would be getting out and probably needed the income. She gives me a reasonably priced haircut and tries to work around my schedule so I hate to inconvenience her.

I pulled chicken out of the freezer so we will have that with mashed potatoes and green beans and cottage cheese. Lunch today was scrambled eggs with leftover sausage as well as toast. It is Thursday so I'm trying to use up what I have before we hit the grocery tomorrow and Saturday.

I took out all our received Christmas card and updated my address book.

Before supper I hope to dive into book #7.

1 Responses to “Cold, Damp, Dreary but Keeping Busy”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    The Southern Belle book sounds interesting. I have quite a few books queued up in my TBR pile right now, but might have to add that one. Smile

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