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This and That

June 23rd, 2016 at 08:32 pm

It's funny how once I get used to doing something, it becomes the "new normal." We eat a lot of chicken, and I often make chicken broth and put it in the freezer. During the winter I use herbs I've dried and during the summer I use fresh herbs. Many of my friends think I'm crazy when I can just buy it. Why buy chicken broth when I can make it for next to nothing? Sheesh. Plus, I know what's in it and I don't use salt for health reasons.

I finished book 45 this morning. It was one by Joanne Fluke who has a series. I've read this one before, but it has been years and it was nice to revisit it. I really like mysteries (DH calls them cozy mysteries) and I've gotten hooked on the books that are Amish fiction. Granted, they are fairly predictable, but sometimes that's just nice to kind of let go. I perused the mystery section and found a new author I'm going to try. I've not read any by this writer and there are three in the series so I checked all three out. These aren't in the new section so it isn't like I'm keeping anyone else from reading them. I finished a newer Mary Higgins Clark over the weekend and returned it quickly because I imagine someone else will enjoy reading it.

I finally received the documentation on what I needed to pay for my penalty for my pension and we drove it over Monday afternoon. I received an email Tuesday saying it was processed and now they will take 6-8 weeks to determine what my benefits will be before depositing my first check. Fortunately we have money in savings if truly takes that long. I think about some of the folks I've worked with and many of them probably didn't have anything in savings and were desperate by the time their first check came around.

Supper is a mixture of leftover stuff. We went to Aldi and Kroger earlier today for our weekly trip, but I like using up what we have before starting new on the weekly meals.

DH has been keeping our garden going by watering. It has been extremely hot here in Central Illinois. Some parts of Illinois received a decent rain yesterday, but we only received about a tenth of an inch. This is the first year he planted two cucumber plants and it is hilarious hearing him talk about how they are taking over. He has put stakes in the ground and is training them to grow up, but he thinks the plant may be knocking on the door to get in at some point. Smile We haven't had any ripe tomatoes yet, but there are a few cherry tomatoes that are starting to turn; DH is already drooling for the taste of the first one.

Hope you are staying cool and hydrated if it is as hot where you are.

3 Responses to “This and That”

  1. PatientSaver Says:

    This summer our library has a program where you can read whatever book you want and then write a brief review about it and drop it in the box with the prize of your choice. You can enter multiple times. Drawing is end of August. I plan to participate!

    I just ate my first homegrown cucumber tonight, skin on, all by itself sliced up with a little salad dressing. The cukes in stores are always soft. Yuck. I also have green tomatoes and as a precaution i'm wrapping all the veggies in my containers in netting in case local chipmunks start sampling.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Your library has a great program, Patient Saver. Bet you enjoyed your first cucumber.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    I've got little bitty cucumbers starting. They are about 3 inches long and the width of my pinky. I am so eager to eat my first one. The zucchini is a bit bigger and am keeping a sharp eye on it, too. No tomatoes yet, here, but lots of blossoms.

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