Home > The Snowball Effect

The Snowball Effect

November 8th, 2017 at 06:44 pm

I have blogged here and there about the knitting group at church and the fact we have been making hats to donate to high poverty schools near us. We have a total of 805 hats sitting in tubs ready for us to count out and deliver. This total was made in less than 12 months and it was fascinating to see how people wanted to be a part of the action.

Last spring I contacted a friend who writes for the paper and she came out and interviewed and did a story. Our group was averaging about 4 people every other week to come and knit. The reporter commented we welcome others and could use donations of yarn or money. There was a sudden influx of yarn and I think we had about $40 donated as well. The best part is we had some new people join the group. Plus we had some other people contact one of the ladies and say they wanted to knit and give us hats and they did.

Then I was watching the local news and the sports director made a comment that it was going to be a boring sports night and he might take up knitting. I challenged him to come and join the group and he did and he did a sweet story on us. Our group grew again. And, we received even more yarn donations!

One of my friends who doesn't have time to knit or come to the group buys yarn and donates it because she feels it is such a worthy cause. Another of my friends doesn't belong to our church but she has been a faithful knitter.

Our original plan was to adopt a few classrooms and give them hats and then find funds to buy Kleenex, hand sanitizer, and pencils.

One member of the congregation said he would like to purchase gloves to go with the hats as long as no one knew he did it.

Then some other folks decided to knit some scarves. We don't have a ton of them, but we do have some to match some hats.

Anyway, next week we will begin our deliveries. We have enough hats to adopt two schools kindergarten through sixth grade with hats, gloves, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, and pencils. We have 74 other hats to go to a school down the street from our church. And we are going to give 22 hats and matching scarves to a case worker for a child and family service agency.

It is amazing how this little project has snowballed in less than a year. We started with four regulars coming to the knitting group and we have between 12-16 attending and knitting. It is heart warming to see how so many wanted to become involved not for the recognition but because it touched their hearts.

11 Responses to “The Snowball Effect”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    That is simply amazing.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Very impressive!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    That's wonderful. A friend of mine's daughter does hats for vets. She has gotten an amazing response, too.

  4. Laura S. Says:

    Great work! I love this so much.

  5. Carol Says:

    Just " Wow! "

  6. pjmama Says:

  7. pjmama Says:

    How amazing. It's so rare to hear stories like these, and it's such a beautiful thing you're doing. Your community is so lucky to have you.

  8. MonkeyMama Says:


  9. rob62521 Says:

    Thank you for all your very kind comments. I am so pleased with how this turned out and how many kids are going to benefit from this. My heart was warmed by how so many people wanted to be involved in so many ways. I was also touched by your sweet comments.

  10. scfr Says:

    This is just awesome!

  11. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    How amazing!

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