Home > A Good Tired

A Good Tired

November 19th, 2017 at 10:45 pm

This has been a whirlwind week and I'm tired, but it is a good tired.

It started last Sunday with a blessing of the hats that were knitted by our group at church. Then after church, a friend and I counted out hats to the two schools that would receive them. One had over 220 kids and the other over 440 kids. Plus, we needed to count out the gloves.

On Monday we made our first delivery. Our Pastor and some of the ladies went with us and we walked around to the rooms and showed them a sampling of the hats and showed them the knitting looms we made them on. After we left, the ladies and Pastor were shocked at the poverty so many of our children live in. They said they realized why I had suggested this project. We did the same on Thursday for the other school. Again, the folks were surprised at the poverty and how many kids had so little. I guess if you don't work in this environment, you don't always realize it is there. On Monday the local TV station came out and did a very short story and on Thursday the local paper did a story. Here are the urls if you wish to see these:

I know I've been blogging a lot about this project, but it has been near and dear to my heart. I just wish we could have done more. We are a small church and I feel at least we helped some children.

In other things, DH and I had two day trips this week. One was to St. Louis and the Italian neighborhood called "The Hill." Part of the bus trip included the lunch. We had a grand time exploring the Italian groceries and other shops and bakeries. Yesterday we had another bus trip to Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg. DH usually picks out some clothes he wants at the Penneys there. We no longer have a Penneys locally. So, we came home exhausted from that, but it was a great time.

Pastor stopped me at church today and said that because of the publicity on the hats, we have had phone calls to church and that people are wanting more information about joining out knitting group. So, that made me happy...maybe we can reach more kids!

I'm still tired from everything this week, but it is a good tired. It was all good this week, from the knitting, the delivering, and the eating and shopping.

14 Responses to “A Good Tired”

  1. Bluebird Says:

    I would love to donate funds to your cause for next year, can you let me know where to send it?

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Wow, Bluebird! That is so generous and kind of you!

    Here is the info:

    Stitches of Love
    Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
    2055 S. Franklin Street Road
    Decatur, IL 62521

    Here is our Facebook page:

    Here is our webpage we are working on:

    Thank you ever so much!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Honestly, you haven't mentioned your group that often. You can talk about it all you want. It's your blog! I think it is a wonderful charity. Our daughter's engineering academy is collecting hats, socks and blankets for a local cancer center. I've thought of your hats and wished I knew how to make them. I may need to teach myself.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    CCF, knitting on the looms is very easy. I don't knit with needles so this was a great alternative. JoAnn Fabrics and Hobby Lobby have kits and they have written directions and there are lots of You Tube videos out there if you need to see it being done. Wished you lived closer. I'd sit down and teach you. I've taught 4 people so far. Three are not church members. One came to our group so I could teach her and comes back because she loves the group and has fun. Most of us knit on our time and bring extra hats so it has worked out well.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    I wish I lived closer too, I would take you up on the offer!! I'm aware of the looms. Will check into those at some point. Smile

  6. Amber Says:

    Aw FrugalFoodie I think it's great what you and your congregation has done. Thanks for sharing

  7. PatientSaver Says:

    Great job...nice hats!

  8. My English Castle Says:

    I'm looking forward to the videos,Rob. What a great project. I think it's true, we often live in silos and don't see the lives of others around us. We just filled over 2500 Op Christmas Child boxes. And from one lutheran to another--great job!

  9. rob62521 Says:

    Hey, English Castle -- I didn't know you were Lutheran! How cool! Well done on those boxes too!

  10. Bluebird Says:

    Hi Rob, should the check be made payable to Stitches of Love or Mt. Calvary? Thanks!!!

  11. rob62521 Says:

    Bluebird, please make it out to Mt. Calvary and then put for Stitches of Love in the memo line. Thank you so much!

  12. Bluebird Says:

    Hi Rob, the check went out in the mail Saturday, please confirm it's received, as I didn't use a return address on the envelope 😊

  13. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    If I didn't have many cats who'd love to play with the yarn ... I might try learning how to do this too.

    Your knitting group has done a great thing!

  14. rob62521 Says:

    Merry Christmas, Bluebird! Thank you so very much for your generous gift. One of the ladies at our bazaar pulled me aside and showed me the check and she was amazed that someone who didn't know anyone at our church other than by the blog would be so thoughtful and generous! Thank you so very much!

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