Home > In The Mood

In The Mood

September 20th, 2018 at 02:59 pm

I'm not talking about the Glenn Miller piece either!

It's funny how so many things revolve around how we feel about something. I know I have really been in the mood to can and fill up the pantry with home canned items as well as things that are on sale. I know by the middle of the summer when stuff starts coming on, I really am in the mood for canning.

I have also been working on Christmas gifts. I like to have them finished before Christmas. I'm not a person who handles working under a deadline that is stressful. I've finished all mine and I'm making some for a friend for her stocking stuffers.

DH is starting to clean up the yard and garden for winter. He surprised me today by cleaning the siding and the windows. He normally doesn't notice stuff like that, but he did. I do think "moods" truly effect many of our actions.

Tomorrow is garbage collection day and I've already planned on decluttering some things that cannot be recycled or reused. I'm in the mood for a tidier spot, that's for sure.

So, what motivates you?

5 Responses to “In The Mood”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I have to be in the mood, too, to get anything done! When I try to push through, it doesn't go as well.

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    I don't can, but I do like to blanch and freeze vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, and okra. And I like to freeze onions and bell peppers. Where I live bell peppers are easy and cheap to buy in summer but cost around $1.99 in the winter, so I buy a lot in the summer and chop or slice them up, freeze them on a cookie sheet, and put them in freezer bags. I love having the stuff available for winter, so it makes it easy and affordable to still eat really well.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Crazyliblady-- there is something special about eating stuff you have frozen or canned knowing what you put in it!

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Usually the mood hits when I have some outside motivation … but other times I just feel like being productive, and actually do it! Smile

  5. crazyliblady Says:

    @rob62521. Yes, there is. When we bought our house in 2010, I knew even then I wanted to have a garden and grow some of my own food. Our yard is pretty big (1/2 acre, I think), but I really only have time to take care of a small garden and plants in pots. I have grown tomatoes, carrots, herbs, lettuces, green onions, etc. It is hard work, but it is easier than most people think and saves so much money. I save probably $5-$10 just not buying lettuce or green onions every week. I like buying from local farmers, too.

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