Home > Good bye, Garden!

Good bye, Garden!

October 14th, 2018 at 09:24 pm

Looking out in the yard it seems bare. DH has spent the last two afternoons pulling up all the garden plants. It is getting more and more chilly here and there is supposed to be a freeze on Tuesday. We spent Thursday picking anything worth picking since there was a chance of frost then. We lucked out, but it's coming.

My counter was full of bell peppers and tomatoes, either ripe, almost ripe, or green. Last couple of years we have put them all together on the counter and they eventually all ripen. We tried the newspapers in the box, but it didn't work real well or else we didn't check it enough.

We shared some peppers and tomatoes with friends. So, hopefully nothing goes to waste.

It's kind of sad to see everything gone. It was a good gardening year overall and we ate very well. Guess we'll have to look forward to next year.

3 Responses to “Good bye, Garden!”

  1. mumof2 Says:

    our spring is here now and everything is blooming...can't wait for fresh vegies from the garden there is nothing like it

  2. Wink Says:

    There is nothing better then fresh garden grown veggies! Till next season...

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    We didn't get our pepper plants picked before the frost - but we don't see it as too big of a loss - they were HOT peppers. DH had gotten the plants for free, thinking they were bell peppers ...

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