Home > Frost, Shopping, and the Weatherman

Frost, Shopping, and the Weatherman

October 13th, 2019 at 06:21 pm

We have a new weatherman for our local station and I think he believes he is entertaining. I do not need to be entertained when watching the weather...I want the forecast basically, but he likes to think he's clever. Well, Mr. Clever kept saying we were not going to have a frost Friday night. DH happened to go outside Friday evening and came in and said he believed it would frost. So, here we are out with a flash light so he can pick bell peppers and Rosemary in case it did frost. I picked a few tomatoes that were starting to ripen just in case. Fortunately we had picked a majority of the herbs earlier that we wanted to dry.

Well, it did frost. It wasn't a killing freeze, but some of the herbs got it as well as some of the other plants and flowers. DH normally pulls up stuff when they predict a frost because he doesn't like dealing with the plants that get kind of soft and slimy after. That stupid weatherman was wrong and he assured us in the viewing area we would not have a frost. Glad DH was smart enough to go check.

We did go to an outdoor market yesterday that is about an hour and half away from us. It is in Morris, Illinois, along the Illinois-Michigan Canal. We also like to visit the downtown of Morris and go through the shops. It wasn't a huge spend day. We bought an acorn squash from the Morris FFA for $1 and some cinnamon rolls for our breakfast this morning as well as a cupcake from the local bakery to enjoy there. I had taken a Thermos of hot tea with us since it was a bit chilly and that was a nice treat. It was basically just a trip to get us out and about. I liked looking at the booths. I noticed that some had some knitting and crocheted items and I like looking at them.

When we came home I took some vegetable soup that I had in the freezer and heated that up for our supper and made herb cheesy biscuits. Not a super big spend day and we had a nice time.

I noticed that someone had posted that Christmas is 74 days away as of yesterday. I'm already thinking about all the cookies I need to bake for our church bazaar the first Saturday in December. Yikes! Most of my Christmas shopping is finished. DH picked out some clothes from Lands End that he wanted and they sent an email with a huge percentage off just that day so I took advantage of it.

DH will probably be pulling up the rest of the plants this afternoon. It supposed to warm up later this week, but you never know when the frost will be, especially with this weather man!

4 Responses to “Frost, Shopping, and the Weatherman”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    I have tried using the Farmer's Almanac to predict when I can plant my plants in the spring, but even it is not accurate. This past spring, it said the last frost for our area would be around April 5th, I think. We got another frost 5 days later and I had to cover my plants. Ugh.

  2. Wink Says:

    With all of the advanced weather forecasting technology it's hard to understand how wrong the weather people can be some days. Just the other morning as I was getting ready for work they called for a beautiful sunny day. It was gray, chilly and drizzly. Mother nature remains unpredictable!

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Sounds like a lovely autumn weekend--Cold here too!

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Some of my ancestors are from Morris, and they are buried in the cemetery there. I have always meant to take a trip down there. One of my ancestors owned a restaurant there, which I am sure doesn't exist any more.

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