Home > Just an update

Just an update

March 26th, 2020 at 06:41 pm

The weather here in Central Illinois has been nothing short of gloomy until yesterday. We actually had an afternoon of sun after a morning of pea soup fog. DH got a chance to go out and work in the yard which delights him. He found two baby bunnies in the front yard. They've since moved which is good. He will be planning his garden and hopefully when it warms up, planting a garden and he doesn't like bunnies to use it as their personal buffet.

Illinois has been ordered to shelter in place since Saturday night. Two days ago I suggested to the Facebook group that our subdivision has that maybe we could do a zoo with stuffed animals for kids to see in windows since yesterday was supposed to be nice. One lady took the suggestion and ran with it so to speak...she made a list with street names and which animals, and it was nice seeing families going out with the checklist looking for the "zoo animals." This was not my original idea; I saw it online somewhere else. The best thing was people who normally never say anything would shout a hello if you were in the yard.

I guess one bad thing is I can see some neighbors who are not following the shelter in place order. People can still go to work if their place of employment is considered essential and that's not what I'm talking about. It's seeing people going to other people's homes and having people over or going shopping for non essential stuff. It angers me because it means they are doing this and however many other folks are doing it which is going to extend the outbreak as well as the sheltering in home.

I've kept busy doing cleaning and some crafting. I don't have the ability to make masks. So, I've worked on other items for donations later when this passes.

I think our grocery spending has increased some as some items have sort of increased. Last week there was so little bread at the store we wound up paying $4.50 for a loaf of organic. Granted, it was tasty, but, that over $2.50 more than what we would pay for a loaf. Last week the grocery stores were slammed and there were empty shelves in so many areas. When we went this week, there were many items there that were not there last week, including toilet paper. We didn't need any so we passed. Figured let those who were without get it. It was weird seeing the yogurt aisle riddled though. We eat yogurt for breakfast and although we found some for our breakfasts, not the kind we normally get, but oh, well. Guess it means we are having to be more flexible. As we walked by, we saw the ice cream case was pretty empty. I wonder if many of us will have put on weight once this is over. LOL

Hope you are all staying safe.

6 Responses to “Just an update”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm glad you are well and protecting yourselves. We really only have control over our own bodies ultimately. Our base had several people put stuffed bears in windows based on that book Going On a Bear Hunt. I only saw one report of her son doing it, but it was fun for him! I'm sure others did, just didn't hear about it. I love seeing all the families out walking and getting sunshine (and their Vitamin D), I especially like to see the Dads with young children. Smile

  2. Lucky Robin Says:

    I am starting to think it might take all the stupid people getting sick and dying off for this thing to be over.

  3. Wink Says:

    My grocery bill for this month will be pretty high, but next month should be really low since I'm pretty stocked up. I just want to stay out of stores!

  4. LifeBalance Says:

    I like the zoo idea! A friend of mine e-mailed a facemask pattern for folks that sew. She's making some. I don't have a sewing machine any longer though.

  5. CB in the City Says:

    I just want to smack people that I see breaking the rules. They are signing death warrants. Unfortunately, not just for themselves but for the innocent people they infect.

  6. Fern Says:

    We are more resilient than we realize, and I'm looking forward to some real celebrations when we are past this frightening time. The governor of New York is really freaking out about the lack of ventilators. If you only listened to the White House daily press conferences, you'd come away thinking everything was under control and they're doing a "fabulous" job. They tell the states they're on their own, so now they're all bidding against each other, driving up cost. Instead of centralizing control of the situation, they prod private enterprise like car makers to start making ventilators. And every day, he says, "No one could have predicted this would happen," which is code for "It's not my fault."

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