Home > Food Follies

Food Follies

August 9th, 2020 at 07:40 pm

Our pantry is getting pretty full. No complaints either! DH's tomatoes have really been producing, but have sort of slowed down in the past week. We had a few days of cooler temps and I think the plants took a break. But that was fine. I started canning a few weeks ago when things were going hot and heavy and I think I have more then enough tomatoes and spaghetti sauce made for the winter. What a blessing that is!

Our neighbors shared some of their cucumbers so I'm going to make a few jars of sweet pickles and then give them some. It's nice when there are good neighbors, not just ones that share, but just nice people who realize that there is something about being kind to each other. Last winter I gave them some jars of green beans and spaghetti sauce and asked they return the jars and rings. They did. We've been passing things back and forth ever since -- baked goods, vegetables, and it's really nice.

I have a friend who lives a couple states away and she said she found a salsa recipe that is a little beyond what she considered the norm: it also incorporates cucumbers. I had never heard of that. But, I Googled it, and there are a couple of recipes like that. It's nice to learn something new. I don't make salsa, so I don't think I'll try it, but nevertheless, I learned something.

My state, Illinois, seems to continue to have large numbers of the virus cases, so I don't look for our church to be able to have our church bazaar the first Saturday in December. It breaks my heart. We bake cookies and sell them by the pound as well as other sweet treats. I guess I'll bake a lot of stuff this year and give as gifts.

I was discussing with a friend some of the meals I've made this week and she was teasing me about my using the Crockpot so much. I guess I really do. I used it three times this week. Twice because I would be canning and it was easier to just have supper in the cooker than to have to stop everything and take things off the stove to cook supper. I have read some of the blogs where people really like their Instapots. I haven't succumbed to one yet. But, I can see the draw.

Since we have been eating a lot of fresh foods from the garden, our grocery bills haven't been as high as they were in the past. That's a nice relief. We normally spend over $100 each week and the past three I've spent less than $60.

5 Responses to “Food Follies”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    I make a pineapple or peach cucum er salsa, Rob, that we like with chicken or fish. Sounds like you've been busy!

  2. Wink Says:

    Thank goodness for good neighbors! My mom always used to say that. I too am very fortunate to have some very kind, thoughtful neighbors. I'm sorry about the church bazaar, so many gatherings and events are being cancelled here as well. I really missed all of the festivals we usually attend over the summer.

  3. Carol Says:

    I made tomato sauce this week, too, with tomatoes from a local farmer. I freeze mine and had to beg some freezer space from my daughter.

  4. terri77 Says:

    Crock pots are a wonderful thing!

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    I used to use crockpots a lot. They were great for planning ahead. But I like my Instant Pots better because I can throw last minute meals together quickly with them. Stew and soup is so much faster. Roasts are more tender without the tendency to dry out.

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