I know I'm usually out of step with whatever is the current trend. I'm OK with that.
Let me briefly explain. For a time in my life, I wanted silence. Being a music lover, that was strange, but I didn't want music or talk or television or anything while I did things around the house or while I was in the car.
Recently everything has become more pronounced in my life. Music seems sweeter. My enjoyment is immense.
DH has quite a collection of CDs, and one of them was the greatest hits of ABBA - very upbeat and fun. Except DH isn't always the most careful and the middle of the CD is damaged. Very discouraging when I wanted to listen to one of my favorites: "Money, money, money!" (OK, imagine that, eh?)
I decided I would splurge and go to Target and buy a new one. Imagine my chagrin to discover Target no longer carries them. We have no music stores in our town so that is out. I refuse to go to what I term the evil empire aka Walmart. So, I figured I would just have to do without.
On our weekly thrift shop foray one place was selling CDs for a quarter each. And you guessed it, ABBA was in the group of them. Of course I snatched that up! What a delight. What a joy! What a bargain! How fortuitous!
So, apparently CDs are passe. All the better for me -- a quarter for some great tunes!
August 15th, 2021 at 10:05 pm 1629061542
August 16th, 2021 at 07:29 am 1629095352
August 17th, 2021 at 10:55 pm 1629237312