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Extreme Couponing on the News

May 15th, 2022 at 06:22 pm

Last night there was a story that claimed it was "Extreme Couponing." That of course piqued my interest. I remember watching those shows, jealous as can be, because in our area we could never get all those things for next to nothing.

Let's just say the story wasn't really extreme couponing. It was on NBC if you want to search for it. It showed a lady who is using digital coupons from CVS to buy things and getting it for less, but not like the old days where people would get tons of stuff and pay next to nothing. The reporter went on to say gone are the days of clipping coupons since so much of it is done digitally and made a very brief mention of getting money back with companies like Ibotta. 

The news story said couponing has come back into fashion due to inflation. I wanted to say that a lot of us on the SA blogs still coupon when we can if it saves us money. 

I remember years ago watching these folks prepare for battle with their lists and getting all this stuff for little to nothing and being jealous. Of course a lot of it I don't need or use and unless it was something I could have donated to the food pantry, I wouldn't have even tried to get it. But it was fun watching them. We've never had decent coupons in our newspaper; I discovered years ago that there are different coupon sets. Our newspaper must have bought the cheapest set because the coupon inserts were mostly ads to buy stuff like Franklin Mint and things like that. DH used to get the Chicago Trib and they had better coupons, but then they quit putting them in the paper downstate. 

I check the digital coupons for the places I shop and use them whenever I can. I also use Fetch, Ibotta, and Receipt Hog, but the problem wtih these, I don't buy a lot of the things to get the credits they promote. 

I have been emailing companies and asking for coupons. Some are really very good about sending them. Chobani will send you some each month. One company informed me they keep their prices low so they don't have to provide coupons. I thought, well, maybe I'll find a company that has the same prices and provides coupons. 

DH bought some Miracle Gro soil a few weeks ago and I was happy to see they still do a rebate on it. I don't go and buy stuff to just use the coupon or send in the rebate, but will use these if it is something we would normally purchase. 

So, do you use coupons? Do you use them more now or less?

3 Responses to “Extreme Couponing on the News”

  1. Wink Says:

    I don't use paper coupons much anymore, mostly digital ones with CVS or my grocery store. I have been able to save quite a bit using CVS CarePass and Extrabucks, so I think it's worth my time to research putting deals together there. I also use Fetch and Ibotta.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    I rarely use coupons and only the digital ones from the store itself. I've found they aren't really worth anything. I can always get it cheaper at Winco. Plus they are almost always for junk foods like cereal, chips, cookies, crackers, frozen pizzas, etc. It's never on produce or meats and rarely on dairy (sometimes cheese, sometimes butter). I will use them for condiments, but only if they are for the brands I use. I am picky about condiment, but not much else. We don't have CVS, but I might do deals on medicines if they had them.

  3. mumof2 Says:

    We don't get coupons over here but if I lived in the states I would use them all the time for my shopping

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