Home > The Gift Goes On

The Gift Goes On

August 14th, 2022 at 08:01 pm

Sandi Patty has a Christmas song titled "The Gift Goes On" and it talks about how God doing stuff and how it is paid forward. 

Today was a non Christmas gift, but truly a gift begetting another gift.

I've written before about the group at church that loom knits hats as well as knits and crochets scarves, cancer hats, and dish cloths which we donate to different places in our community. In the past few years, we have been very fortunate in receiving some monetary donations as well as donations of yarn from people, many not members of our church. We welcome nonchurch members to join us and we have had some who have joined us to help us with this ministry. Last Christmas we were given a sizeable gift from someone who had noticed my posts on the church Facebook page and those groups who received hats and scarves and dish cloths. 

Today was another sweet surprise! 

A church member told me someone he worked with gave him and his wife a handmade quilt. Knowing full well that quilts are expensive and very labor intensive, he said he felt she should receive something in return. She apparently said no, but then finally said she wanted two things. She wanted whatever change he had in his pocket, and he and his wife could then give a monetary gift to his church.

This gentleman gave it some thought. Yes, he could do both. He reached into his pocket and was sad he only had 38 cents, but he gave it to her. But, he and his wife decided that they would write a generous check to our church and earmark it to our group, Stitches of Love, honoring the lady and her quilting and knitting talents.

An unknown lady was responsible for our group getting money because of her kindness. And hopefully the items we make and donate will cause the gift to continue to go on. My heart is joyful because of this!

5 Responses to “The Gift Goes On”

  1. Wink Says:

    How wonderful, I just love stories like this! It restores my faith in human kindness while the world seems so divided and angry. Thanks for sharing Rob!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Thanks, Wink, for your positive words!

  3. Turtle Lover Says:

    What a blessing! God is good!

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    What a great story!

    Sandi Patti is going to be in concert at a local church on Sept 24! Free! Smile I plan on going.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Frugal Texan, I'm jealous! I went to one of Sandi Patti's concerts a number of years ago! Hope you enjoy!

    Thank you everyone else for your kind comments. The man who received the quilt and wrote the check printed out this blog for the lady to see and she loved it and the kind comments.

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