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News and Real Life

August 28th, 2022 at 07:00 pm

On an evening news program, there was a report about grocery prices and inflation. The reporter claimed that the department of agriculture claimed that grocery prices are coming down and that the cost of eggs has dropped 60%. Also mentioned was chicken wings had dropped down to prices of over a year and a half ago. Yes, you read that correctly, that's what they reported. I was aghast. That was broadcast Tuesday night and I planned on grocery shopping the next day.

The week before I had noticed eggs had risen 50 cents a dozen at Aldi which is usually cheaper than the other name brand store I pick up things I can't get at Aldi. I did notice a few cents drop when I went to shop in Wednesday, but it wasn't anywhere near 60%. However, I happened to pop in to Aldi yesterday because I had forgotten to buy something and noticed that eggs had increased a few cents from Wednesday. I looked at chicken wings and I didn't see any drop reduction on them either. 

I am concerned with the rising cost of food. The saltines we like has risen 14 cents. That's not huge, but when you see everything going up, or then the worst is the empty shelves, you know it could be a grim fall and winter. I was watching a Clark Howard video and he said that grocery prices were actually showing a 13% inflation rate; far higher than the overall inflation rate. 

I continue to look for sales, but honestly, the grocery stores aren't running a lot of sales, at least not on some of the things we buy. We don't buy a ton of processed foods. I can and freeze what I can. I have written companies for coupons and some are far more willing to mail coupons than others. Some flat out informed me their prices were low enough and that they don't send out coupons anymore. 

So far, we are fortunate that we can afford our groceries. But I wonder how many who are already livng paycheck to paycheck are doing it. They may be going to the food pantries, but even the food pantries are being stung by the higher costs and can get less for their money. 

So, I'm not sure where the reporter was giving his facts other than quoting the department of ag's stuff, but maybe it is better other places than here in the Midwest. Are you seeing grocery prices going down? 

8 Responses to “News and Real Life”

  1. terri77 Says:

    I don’t think prices are going down, but just holding steady. There seem to be less empty shelves than before. I shop almost exclusively at Trader Joe’s. I usually spend between $40-60 a week, but I eat in the hospital cafeteria fairly often as well. I’m trying to make better, lower carb choices, but I don’t find myself pinching pennies. However, it is just me, I don’t have a family to feed.

  2. Wink Says:

    Rob, I saw a similar news report and had the same reaction! Prices are certainly not going down where I live. Just the opposite. I noticed that the price of the loaf of bread I usually buy increased recently from $2.19 to $2.49. And it's the grocery store brand, nothing fancy.

  3. Dido Says:

    Per the USDA's Economic Research Service, reporting on the CPI for food: "In 2022, food price increases are expected to be above the increases in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, food-at-home prices are predicted to increase between 10.0 and 11.0 percent, and food-away-from-home prices are predicted to increase between 6.5 and 7.5 percent. Food prices are expected to grow more slowly in 2023 than 2022, but still above historical average rates. In 2023, food-at-home prices are predicted to increase between 2.0 and 3.0 percent, and food-away-from-home prices are predicted to increase between 3.0 and 4.0 percent."

  4. Lots of Ideas Says:

    Between the fires, drought, and floods which seem pretty much world wide and the war in Ukraine which is a major supplier of wheat and sunflowers (for oil), there is less food being produced and the cost to produce it is higher.

    Add in the cost of fuel, which is rising because of market place disruption due to the war and price gouging, the cost of shipping everything is also up.

    I think those of us who already know to shop sales, stock up, not waste are both better and worse off. We are already doing the things that will save money, but at least we know how to do them.

    I am watching for sales on flour and sugar for the holidays already, and have added an additional store into my ‘rotation’ where although many things are expensive, the cost of eggs and cream cheese - two of my staples - are lower than my ‘regular’ stores.

    I think the Social Security COLA will be in the 10% range this year, which will help some people.

    I think we need to prepare ourselves though. Life is changing and somethings aren’t easily fixed.

  5. mumof2 Says:

    I think it depends if you are looking at just the groceries or here in australia we have have had bushfires, floods and drought plus the that has affected a lot of here combine that with rental increases, gas (petrol) increases etc then yes food prices will be going up...we do a lot over here so some farmers in some states had such bad drought that they couldn't feed their cattle/sheep so many other farmers moved their animals to their properties..others sent food/water to help them out im talking semi trucks by the hundreds to help them out...but some things will go up and we can't do anything about if you look at a store and it has electricity, food etc it all costs and those costs go do the prices of everything else...but yes some stores will gouge you if they can its a business and they want to make money just like everyone else

  6. CB in the City Says:

    My son works for the Bureau of Labor Statistics and his piece of it is that he interviews producers about product prices. Then he enters the data into a database that becomes the Product Price Index, which is part of the Consumer Price Index. Not every company that is asked complies, and of course he only interviews a sampling each week. But there are many people doing this job, so the overview each week gives a fairly accurate snapshot of the rise and fall of prices. You say the data is from the Ag Department -- I don't know if they use PPI data, or their own. Anyway, my point is, it tracks trends on a large scale, and you can't really judge by what's happening in your local store.

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I don't know about the report you saw, but I do know that either the price of everything I buy has gone up, or the size of the package has decreased .. or I just can't find it anymore.

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    Either the news reporter is lying or the department of agriculture is. My guess is both. It's like they don't realize we can see things with our own eyes and think with our own brains. We still have empty shelves. We have shelves with only the first row filled across a lot of space. We will have a lot of one item, like chili, and then only one row of sloppy joe mix. Flour tortillas are coming in 10 packs instead of 12 packs and so are taco shells. Corn tortillas seem the same for the time being. In one of the stores they have taken out a row or two of shelves and the aisles have widened to hide that. In another they have two rows full of seasonal items instead of one and an extra row of candy. Eggs, butter, milk, cheese, cream, sour cream, all creep up every couple of weeks. Produce seems to creep up 5 cents a week. What $400 used to buy $500 now buys. They are lying.

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