Just curious if anyone else has been stocking up with the fear of the longshoreman's strike warning and then the actual strike coming about?
I always try to keep a few things on hand. I haven't been hoarding, but each time something comes on the news, my stomach clenches and hopes it isn't like the fiasco during the Pandemic as people go crazy and go for a hoarding frenzy. The media keeps claiming prices will go up and there will be shortages which makes me worry people will go crazy and start stripping shelves of stuff.
I have always shopped sales and this continues. Yesterday I scored a great deal at Kroger. It was a digital coupon offer of Quilted Northern toilet paper for $4.99 for 6 rolls, normally $7.99. In addition, I had a $1 off digital coupon so I bought three packages to put back.
I have canned some items -- I didn't have a huge garden, but hoping for a bigger and better one next year. A lot of changes this year so no time to put in a garden. But I'm planning for the future in my new home. I planted garlic yesterday. I've planted a few strawberry plants too earlier, hoping we get some next year.
So, the search has been on for reasonable priced canned goods. Dollar Tree here has had Del Monte vegetables for $1.25 plus tax. At Walmart they are $1.48 so I figured that was a decent deal. I have a few cans of stuff we'd eat. And a couple extra cans of tuna and things like that.
Just wondering what's going on in your pantry!
October 2nd, 2024 at 07:15 pm 1727892957
At this time of year, there are usually good sales on soup. I try to have soup for two meals per week - 1 can is 2 meals for me. So I try to acquire about 50 cans in the Fall and use them.
Flour and sugar will go on sale around the holidays, so I buy those then. Same with butter, which I freeze.
Same with potatoes, carrots and onions. These have long lives.
I’m only feeding me and I dedicate some of my space to storage - not anything crazy but more than other people might.
October 2nd, 2024 at 08:18 pm 1727896717
Today I bought a can of soup, a can of tuna, and a box of granola bars, the beginning of my emergency pantry. I am also saving any $5 bill that comes my way. That will be my cash cache.
I realize I will probably never face the kind of flooding my sister is facing, but here in the Midwest we do have blizzards, polar vortexes, tornadoes, ice storms and power failures.
October 3rd, 2024 at 06:16 am 1727932576
I don't consider myself a prepper or anything, but I do generally like to keep a small stockpile of food, water, and electrical power bank around. Typically, what happens around me is a short power outage of say a few days at most. So, my little stockpile lasts a bare minimum of a few days, though I would prefer to keep up to a week of supplies at all times.
October 4th, 2024 at 02:04 am 1728003854
The freezer is to shop sales of meat, chicken etc. and to store homemade tomato sauce that I make.
However, we did buy a generator when we downsized to this home after being without power for a week in our former home.
October 5th, 2024 at 02:57 pm 1728136652
I was thinking about it. Before I could get a plan together, the strike was over. Crisis averted for now.
October 6th, 2024 at 12:55 am 1728172500
But, my BJs membership will expire at the end of this month, and what I typically do is stock up on the things I buy there the most so that I will be good for at least 3 months. That way, when I do renew my membership, I'm actually buying a 15-month membership instead of a 12-month membership.
October 30th, 2024 at 05:33 am 1730266438