Home > A Snowy Day

A Snowy Day

January 5th, 2025 at 09:44 pm

Lots of and lots of that white stuff has fallen and even more is forecast this evening. We've had some warnings ahead of time and living in the country, we try to keep things stocked up and ready. DH has a small tractor (a little larger than a riding mower) and he put the plow on it and we bought diesel fuel. I had my first snow plow lesson this afternoon. I most certainly need more lessons and practice, but it was fun learning something different. I shoveled the walk and St. Bernadoodle Murphy thought it was a game, barking and biting the plastic shovel. The dogs frolicked in the snow, playing and running. It was a joy to watch them. 

We had been stocking up on things as they went on sale so other than picking up a few things like milk and fruit, we didn't have to do the big worry of panic shopping. We went Friday morning and casually bought our milk and fruit and got in and out. I guess by Friday evening the panic shopping had begun and I guess the shelves were ravaged by last night. I'd rather buy things on sale and stock up then being forced to buy stuff at regular price due to immediate need. I have a friend who does as we do and he was saying he was delighted he didn't have to fight crowds with a well stocked pantry and fridge. Another friend who is also retired decided to hit the stores yesterday and then complained about the shelves being empty and the bad attitudes of many of the other shoppers. I get it if someone has to work and has no choice to shop then, but a retiree with plenty of weather warnings really has no excuse.

Today is my 64th birthday. My husband said he wanted to bake me a birthday cake and since he didn't know how, would I help him? I said yes. I already had the ingredients and so we baked the cake yesterday and then frosted it last night. He's a good student and listened and asked questions. I let him do it all, just read him the recipe and gave him hints. I haven't had a homemade birthday cake since my mom died in 2006 and the fact he wanted to bake it for me although it wasn't in his original skill set means the world to me. 

My DH also fixed us our Sunday dinner. Growing up, I never had the family Sunday dinners. It was usually a baloney sandwich on white bread and maybe some chips. No family gathering or sitting down, just basically fending for yourself. A few weeks ago we had a grandson staying with us, so we did a Sunday dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, cheesy muffins, and brownies for dessert. So, DH decided with just the two of us, he would take care of our noon meal, setting the table, fixing it, and cleaning up. That was a special treat for me as well. It was warm and loving and cozy as the snow flies outside our dining room window. 

The best part is I am not fretting about this snow. I am content. I am blessed. I have a wonderful husband, a lovely home, two sweet pups, and the feeling of being safe. If you are in the path of this storm, hope you are safe and warm.

10 Responses to “A Snowy Day”

  1. Turtle Lover Says:

    Happy Birthday!

  2. Carol B. Says:

    Happy Birthday!🎂🎂🎉🎉💐💐

  3. Suemn Says:

    Hi Robin, I grew up in a family that always had the sit-down dinner meals and I remember that when I was over at one of my friend's house and her mom made her a lunch meat sandwich for her supper, I thought that was so neat. It sounds like fun learning how to use the plow.

  4. james.hendrickson Says:

    Happy Happy Birthday!

  5. Tabs Says:

    Happy birthday! So nice of you to help him bake your own cake hahaha.

  6. CB in the City Says:

    Happy Birthday! We were lucky enough up here to miss most of the storm. Just got a little lake-effect snow. Nonetheless, I'm staying inside today. I am well-stocked, as you are!

  7. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Happy birthday

  8. GoodLiving Says:

    Happy Belated Birthday, you sound so very content, that makes me happy!

  9. PatientSaver Says:

    Happy birthday! Homemade birthday cake AND snow with nowhere to go?Sounds wonderful.

  10. rob62521 Says:

    Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes. It was wonderful!

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