It seems like it is continous on groceries...But guess that is a given since we tend to eat.
Anyway, before Christmas it seemed like there were a few decent deals so we could stock up on a few things. Between the coupon savings, the sale prices, and the receipt apps, I'm hoping to save money.
On social media different folks post about writing companies and asking for coupons. I've done so in the past so I decided to tackle that as well. I think of the ten companies I wrote, two kindly sent coupons. The rest said they don't send coupons and to check my local paper. Seriously? Our local paper doesn't do coupons anymore and a few years before, the coupons were pathetic. Seems newspapers could buy coupon inserts and there were different ones, some had a few coupons, and some had a lot of great ones. Our paper never did go for the really good ones. Anyway, I tried as far as the coupons and emailing companies.Land O' Lakes and Celestial Seasonings both responded and mailed me coupons. I use digital coupons at our Kroger and County Market when it is for something I would pruchase anyway. I don't just buy something because I have a coupon. But the wins are becoming fewer and far between.
DH and I are trying to eat at home and even then, with the price of groceries, it is expensive. We had bought some brats and buns and why these companies do no not communicate with each other is beyond me. There are fewer brats than buns. I refused to let the buns go to waste that were left over so I made tuna salad and we had them on the buns. We bought some bagels and same thing...we used each and every one of them.
Today I had a small win at this grocery game...Kroger had smaller boxes of cereal on sale for $1.99. Ibotta was giving a $1 credit, so that box of cereal cost 99 cents and tax. Plus, I had 4 other grocery receipt apps, so hopefully a reasonable price. I used the Land O'Lakes coupon for 55 cents off and then got a credit of 65 cents on Ibotta. Not cheap butter, but saved money on something I was going to buy anyway.
I have an Aeorgarden. It's a hydroponic garden for small plants. I had to bite the buttlet and buy replacements for my pods, and went ahead and got the lettuce ones, but now that I have them, I can reuse them and plant my own seeds. But, we had our first "harvest" of tender lettuce for a small salad this week. This first salad was a little pricey, but I figure as I use more of it and then replant, it will get more reasonable.
Since Lent is coming up, I'm counting on sales of tuna to continue. There was a sale today so I bought a few cans since DH likes tuna sandwiches. But I want to stock up so we have some on hand when the sales diminish after Lent.
I continue to bake sourdough bread. I have a loaf in the oven as I type this. I used my starter and let it proof in the fridge overnight before baking. It's nice to be able to bake our own bread and be able to make it without yeast. Granted, yeast isn't super expensive, but one more thing we are saving on.
Last year we went to an orchard and bought apples. They had some that were not perfect and I bought them and made both applesauce and apple juice and canned both. With extra juice I made apple jelly and canned it. Between our eating it and some I gave away for Christmas, we got a decent deal. We've had some of the applesauce and it was nice treat with our lunch and it was great to be able to shop in our basement storage area.
It is frustrating playing this game, because the deals seem to be less available. Are you finding the same?
February 3rd, 2025 at 01:23 am 1738545809
I live car free so I either buy what I can carry, take a taxi, or use delivery.
In December when Target had 10% off gift cards, I bought the maximum and I use them so everything I buy at Targetbstsrts at 10% off. I check the price of eggs and walk there if they are best price. I also go there if I need something unexpectedly - like milk.
I have a CVS Extracare membership. Because I bought it early on, I pay $48 per year - now it would be $60. In addition to 20% off their brands, I get free shipping if I spend $10, and $10 per month. I also get an assortment of coupons each week. I buy bagels, jelly, raisins, nuts, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper, (and often candy!) there. If I order online through a portal from my credit card, I get 4-8% credit to my card, and CVS gives 2% Extra Bucks on purchases. So when I need something, I either have it delivered or order and do store pickup.
My Medicare plan has a rewards program and among other things, I get $10 for exercising 10 times per week - reported on the honor system. There are credits for other things too, like flu shots. I use those at CVS for OTC stuff, which I can combine with coupons and then get extra bucks. This is in store only.
For groceries, I use the online ap for my store but I shop based on ‘what’s on sale’ not ‘what do I want to cook this week.’ I have a sense of the sale cycle. My refrigerator is a side by side so I have adequate freezer space, and I have a pantry area for non perishables. I seldom ‘need’ something because I evaluate what is on sale based on how much of what I have. If butter is on sale, I buy 2 pounds and freeze it. Same with chicken, Hamburg, sausage, roast beef. Last week, shrimp was $4.99 a pound, so I bought it. That will make about 4 entrees for me. But it might be 6 months before I use it. When I cook, I make enough for 3-4 meals
.pusually have soup meals 2 nights per week.
February 3rd, 2025 at 03:41 am 1738554110
February 3rd, 2025 at 03:46 am 1738554401
February 3rd, 2025 at 07:53 pm 1738612391
Mum, wish you had coupons too.
February 5th, 2025 at 12:55 am 1738716925
I hardly ever use coupons anymore. Sometimes I use digital coupons at Jewel, but I find it to be a frustrating process, and usually there is something cheaper without the coupon, anyway.
February 5th, 2025 at 09:39 am 1738748341
February 5th, 2025 at 08:21 pm 1738786903
February 5th, 2025 at 09:20 pm 1738790455
February 6th, 2025 at 05:24 pm 1738862682