Yes, indeedy, it sparkles and shines, and cools and freezes. Since the fridge was starting to look bare, I took the time to pull everything out and clean everything. It wasn't bad, but it made me feel like I had accomplished something. While I was doing this, sent DH to Aldi for our weekly run so when he got home, I had things organized and it looked tidy.
I used some of our left over ham and made ham and beans. I had left over cornbread so it made a nice supper.
Since I'm still recovering from whatever it was (or is) I didn't leave the house. I really had no desire to fight the crowds for the returning or the sales. I took down a bunch of the decorations, did some breathing treatments, and rested in between. I have some books and magazines that are due tomorrow at the library, so I wanted to finish those so I can return them. It would have been a no spend day if we hadn't had the Aldi run, but that's OK. It was a planned expenditure.
Had an interesting phone call yesterday from a relative. Seems they wanted to bake an apple pie, but had no apples and wanted to know if the local grocery was open. Really? On Christmas Day? All I can say is everything is done last minute and then mews when things don't work out. We are sort of put on the spot because they claim to have little savings, lots of bills, and we have so much. I will agree, we are blessed. But I am a planner. I plan meals. I plan shopping. I plan savings for Christmas. So, I know this makes me sound like Scrooge, but I have trouble feeling a lot of sorrow for their predicament.
Hope you had a good day after Christmas and Boxing Day for those of you who celebrate it.
It Sparkles! It Shines!
December 26th, 2014 at 11:44 pm
December 27th, 2014 at 12:38 am 1419640738
Please don't let their remarks have any power of any kind. I hope you always feel proud that you manage your income and expenses well. It takes effort and thoroughness, not buy on impulse and think about tomorrow, tomorrow. No point in saying anything as they just don't get it. If they hint or outright ask for money, I hope you have a stock answer like... 'cash flow is too tight...or 'our budget doesn't stretch that far...' etc.
December 27th, 2014 at 01:42 am 1419644569
December 27th, 2014 at 03:01 am 1419649264
December 27th, 2014 at 06:41 am 1419662504
December 27th, 2014 at 12:15 pm 1419682554
December 27th, 2014 at 04:52 pm 1419699162